33 - Boring - Chris POV

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Everyone says hi.

The line seemed to go dead for a moment

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The line seemed to go dead for a moment. Chris actually checked to see if their call had gotten dropped.

"Lex?" Chris asked to the empty air.

Suddenly Alexa was back, "Chris. You didn't tell me Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo were there too."

"I mean, I can't make a movie by myself." Chris chuckled knowingly.

Hearing Alexa get flustered over his peers made Chris laugh quietly to himself.

"Well, that's cool that you all get to be down there together, suffering in the Georgia heat," Alexa replied.

"God, don't fucking remind me." Chris groaned.

"Chris and Mark! Wardrobe in 2!" Someone shouted in the distance.

Chris continued, "Ah, fuck. We've gotta head to wardrobe. I've gotta get going."

"Ah, okay." Alexa said.

"I'm glad we got to talk for a bit," Chris chimed in quietly. God why do you sound like that, stop it. Chris cleared his throat hoping to shake the shyness from his voice.

"Me too. Thanks for the early as hell question of the day. It helped me start my day off on a good note." Alexa replied.

"My pleasure, sweets." Chris said, "I'll talk to you later?"

"Sounds good," Alexa said, seeming to smile into the phone, "Bye, Chris."

"Bye Alexa," Chris smiled in return as they both hung up simultaneously.

There was a beat of silence before a cacophony of noise ensued.

Various versions of "Chrisssssss!" were yelled, sing-songed and chortled Chris' way from Mark, Chris H, and Robert.

"Oh, fuck off," Chris laughed as Chris H grabbed his shoulders and shook him playfully.

"God, even with makeup you're as red as a tomato, Evans." Robert pretended to say seriously, placing his hand on his cheek in faux shock.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright enough with the show," Chris tried to say. "Thanks for humoring me for the picture."

"Of course," Chris H. said as he patted Chris on the cheek twice before walking off with RDJ.

Robert turned around, walking backwards to look at Chris and Mark, "Mark, keep Mr. Fabio there in line!" Robert threw up a peace sign as he turned back around with a laugh.

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