67 - Top of the World

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Alexa felt like she was on top of the world as she left the gym. Fall was slowly creeping it's way in as the cool breeze nipped at her nose.

Both of her jobs had been going great. She even got to add more pole classes to the schedule, specifically by request of the owner of the gym. Getting recognition from higher ups made her feel appreciated, especially for the fact that these kind of classes are sometimes taboo.

Chris had been home for over two months, which was utterly spectacular. He still had filming to do as they tied up some loose ends on Captain America: The Last Mission, but she was so happy that they had the opportunity to spend more time together.

Speaking of spending time together, Alexa was on her way home to shower and get ready to have a date night with Chris. He had told her to trust him to make their plans and she gave him the reigns without any hesitation.

He gave her simplistic guidelines for what clothes  to choose for their excursion tonight. He didn't want to get into too much detail, but mentioned that the restaurant was considered 'casual elegant.'

What the fuck is casual elegant? Alexa thought to herself as her Spotify played over her AirPods, pulling her coat tight around her. As she walked, she tried to google it, she eventually decided that it was like business casual, but leaning more towards a dress than a blazer.

She had distracted herself enough that by the time she realized it, she was already walking up to her building and stepping into the lobby. She made her way upstairs and into her apartment, practically skipping her way to the bathroom to get a shower and get ready for their day out.


There was a knock at Alexa's front door as she was moving her money and cards from her normal purse to what she lovingly called her "bar-hopping" purse, which was much smaller and was easier to keep close.

"Hey, baby!" Chris yelled into her apartment after he unlocked it with the key she had given him.

"Hey! In the bedroom!" Alexa yelled back in return.

She could hear his steps echoing off the wood floors growing louder as he got closer. She looked up from her purse just in time to see Chris step into the door frame, a sweet soft smile on his face.

She took a moment to take in his outfit, feeling relieved about hers. She felt like they matched up to a tee. He donned a chestnut colored sweater, blue and brown plaid chinos, and finishing off his outfit with brown Chelsea boots. The look was simple and sleek and he looked fine as all hell.

"You ready, Freddy?" Chris asked as he pushed the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows

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"You ready, Freddy?" Chris asked as he pushed the sleeves of his sweater up to his elbows.

"Almost, just have to grab my shoes," Alexa chirped out as she bent down to snag her heels and bring them closer to her.

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