Pool day

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You and Rhea were on vacation for a week at the beach, at the condo there was a pool that became lit up with beautiful lights at night time that were wrapped around palm trees, you both went down to the pool to swing at night.
"Oh look baby there's no one here, we have it all to ourselves!" You said excitedly, on your way down to the pool you were so excited for this peaceful night, you were holding rheas hand on the way down swinging both of your arms back and forth. "It is," Rhea chuckled at how excited you were. When you got there you picked an empty seat to set your belongings on and immediately jumped into the pool, Rhea laughed at you as she was still setting her things down, rhea climbed down the latter and swings over to you, "It's so warm" you said swimming over to rhea to meet her Halfway.
Rhea could reach the bottom of the deep end but you couldn't so when you met with Rhea in the middle your legs were starting to get tired, Rhea could tell because you kept falling under the water, Rhea laughed at you and grabbed you, and pulled you closer, you wrapped your legs around rheas waist and your arms around her neck, you laid your head on her shoulder as rhea slowly walked around the pool.
The night was so peaceful the air was cool but the water was so warm, rheas body was so cozy against yours, the soft music and the bright lights almost made you want to sleep there in the water, "I love you," "I love you too y/n." "I'm so glad we came here, I love it here." "It is nice here, but anywhere with you is nice Y/n" you playfully slapped Rhea on the arm "Don't say that it's so cornyyyy" "What it's true" you and Rhea chuckled, you decided in this very moment that you wanted to marry rhea and spend the rest of your life with her.
It had gotten pretty late you were ready to go to bed, "I'm so tired, do you want to head back to the room?" "Sure darling." You both swing over to the ladder and make your way up, you grab your towel and wrap it around your body because it is now very cold outside, you turn around to see if Rhea is ready to go when you see her on one knee holding a ring smiling while tearing up, "y/n baby, will you marry me? Since the day I met you I knew that I wanted to be with you forever and-" you cut her off because you're too excited and happy to wait "yes yes yes I will marry you" you hold out you hand for Rhea to put the ring in but your hands are shaking so much, rheas are too but she does her best to hold your hand still, now you're crying as well, Rhea stands up while still holding your hands, she lets go and grabs the sides of your face and pulls you in for a kiss, her body is so warm, electricity shoots through your body, the kiss turns salty from the tears running down your faces, "I love you so much y/n, I can't wait to call you my wife" "I love you more rhea"
Authors note:
My writing sucks right now because I'm in writer's block but I have some ideas laid out that I think y'all will like ;) have a good day beauties

Word count: 605

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