loyal customer - kazuha (pt2)

Start from the beginning

"Give me a hand will you?" She said, sweating as she leaned down for you to grab your cup of coffee and your cookies, she was currently busy with some other plates she had to get to other tables "I'll be right back" she whispered as she hurried to the rest of the tables

You chuckled at how she was struggling, the look on her face was priceless and beads of sweat rolled down her face, as goofy as she looked, it was so damn attractive. Your thoughts were cut short when you saw her approaching you "busy much?" You asked with a chuckle as she plopped down besides you "yeah" she mumbled

"You should clean your face, here" you said, handing her the handkerchief she had in her pocket, but didn't think of getting "do it for me, hmm?" She said lazily, you could notice her growing tired, and a blush crept to your cheeks as you softly wiped the sweat off her forehead and she smiled warmly, feeling a sudden burst of sweet laughter as she looked at you with the sweetest most loving expression you've ever seen.
Today was the day of the date and you chose a gray skims dress you had bought a while ago, not overdressed but it accentuated all the right places, you texted kazuha you were on your way, and when you arrived, she was bolting out the door with a tight ass black dress and oh my god did you gasp, you could've moa-😰

You got up and propped the door open the door for her, and she kissed your cheek, making you gasp "kazuha... you look" you eyed her up and down and she visibly blushed "you look beautiful" you finished, and her smile got even wider, a pink hue tinted her cheeks as she looked down, "you look really pretty too y/n"

After a few minutes of driving you arrived and escorted kazuha out your car and into the restaurant, sitting at the table you had reserved and you ordered the food a few minutes later

You chatted about work and college, talking about how much you dreaded these year end assignments, but she reassured you and said she'd "take care of your comfort" until your classes ended

By the end of the night you were a fit of giggles and blushes, the wine hitting quite a bit, but you couldn't be happier, she was all you've ever looked for in a sentimental partner, and she was sitting right beside you in your car

"I had a great time tonight, y/n, I'm glad you said yes, I worried you'd turn me down" she said as you got to her house "turn YOU down?? I'd have to be insane to do that" you smiled and bid your goodbyes as she walked out your car
About a month and a half had passed and you and kazuha had already gone out on a total of 4 dates, and today was your fifth one and you were sitting on the café she worked at, with her by your side "We can leave now, my shift is over" she smiled excitedly as she took your hand and let you out the building

"So what are we doing? Should we walk around or...?" You asked as you walked hand in hand through the night "I was thinking maybe we could stargaze for a while...But only if you'd like to obviously" she smiled nervously and you nodded happily

You got to your house and she looked around "Are your parents home?" She asked as she stood next to you as you removed your shoes, returning the motion "They're out of town right now, we can watch the sky in peace don't worry" she smiled and sat down and waited for you to tell her to come along, we love a respectful queen

"Come on, let's get outside" You walked over to the backyard and she happily trailed behind you, "Wait, do you want something to drink? There's a few beers or wine if you'd like" you offered and she thought about it "I think I could have a cold one or two" you laughed and brought the drinks and a few snacks outside

You laid there in silence for a while, the silence present was comfortable and you sneakily intertwined your hand with hers, and you could feel her look over to you "y/n?" "yeah? what's up?"

"I was actually really nervous on how to do this, but it just feels right to ask you now" your heart started beating fast as your eyes met hers and you couldn't believe it was happening

"Well, first off, I want to say that all this time I've spent with you lately, has been so precious, like I seriously couldn't be happier to be spending my time with you, there is no one as fun and as charming as you, and" she paused for a bit and took a quick sip of her drink, as if to give her the guts to ask you the so awaited question

"and I just can't see myself with anyone else anymore, I just want you y/n, you're beautiful and smart and just so passionate about what you love and I couldn't wait more to ask you... do you possibly, want to be my girlfriend?" She said as she let go of your hand and rubbed her nape anxiously

You felt as if something inside of you exploded, your heart burst with happiness and you immediately said yes and jumped on top of her for a bear hug, she giggled and wrapped her arms around you "I've been waiting for so long to finally be able to call you my girlfriend" she said as she laughed softly

"You know, ever since I stepped foot on that coffee shop, the reason why I kept coming back was because of the cute Japanese barista, and now I'm dating her"


See, if y'all are lazy and don't want to read, just imagine you guys got married and lived happily ever after but if you want, I could make a pt3 just to get a little into the relationship dynamic, actual dating part 🫵🫵

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