Shes going to be okay! Pt.3

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POV. Tim

Quinn and I are sitting on the chairs in the waiting area of the surgical wing.
It's been half and hour and Quinn has Falles asleep. Her head slowly falling onto my shoulder. It's already late and we'll be here till the morning for when she wakes up.

It still hasn't quite hit me yet what has happened. Will Isobel go back to drugs after this? Will she get addicted to the drugs prescribed for her head?
Will she be back in the picture for Quinn?
So many questions and so little answers.

„Mr Bradford?" a doctor walks up to me.
„Yes that's me." I confirm.
Quinn slowly wakes up.
„I'm doctor lindner. I'm the neurosurgeon that operated on your wife." he explains.
„So we got the bullet and where able to fix the damage. Luckily she will not have any longterm deficits. Of course the recovery now will be incredibly hard. But as far as my opinion goes I think this will be a rock bottom for her. Meaning setting her up with rehab now could mean a great chance of her getting of drugs." he continues.
„Thank you so much." I say shaking his hand.
„Yeah of course. I wish you and your family all the best. We will probably see each other on Check up appointments but till then I'll say goodbye." he says shaking my hand back and adding: „oh and before I forget, a nurse will be right with you to show you to her room in the ICU."
I nod in response and then we go back to waiting just much more relived.

„Mr Bradford? I can take you to see your wife now. If you would just follow me?" a nurse says walking up to us.
I nod and get up.
I notice Quinn is not following me.

POV. Quinn

„Quinn?" dad asks me confused.
No I can't. I can't see her after so long. I just can't.
„Quinn come on." he encourages me.
„I don't know if I want to see her." I admit.

He sighs.
But the he says: „I get that. She made you angry with how selfish she was. You have a right to be. But she was not herself. That was all the drugs. And now she has a new chance. Besides she won't even be awake for some time, so you can just see her without her speaking to you. All right?" he actually makes sense.
„All right." I say taking courage and walking after dad and the nurse.

She leads us to the ICU and I to one of the rooms. I see a person that you can barely make out as my mom. Wrapped in bandages and swollen everywhere. She looks so hurt, so vulnerable. Not at all what I'm used to from my force of a mom. She never showed me this kind of weakness. Neither did my dad, I realise as i sit down in the chair next to her, my parents were always these strong and fearless people. It made me think that emotions were a weakness, it made me not want to open up to dad, I now realise in hindsight.

But as I see her laying there hooked up to machines hurt and just barely escaping death, and him cowering over her holding her hand and strocking it, I realise it's all an act. he's used to drill and discipline from the army and she's used to putting on an act from UC work. It makes me think about how often I felt the need to hide my emotions. How often I felt weak when I couldn't build up the courage to get out of bed.

My parents a wonderful people and I love them. But thinking about how much I felt the need to hide makes me sad.
Maybe just maybe all this can change them and how they feel about emotions.

The TO's kid (Tim Bradfords daughter ff) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now