"PRINCESS BRISEIS!" Priam's voice jolted her from the memories.

    "I have received the message from Deiphobus. He is on his way home. All have answered the call. Ten thousand ships will be setting sail for Troy within the month." Silence met her words.

    "Why did you not say sooner!" Priam demanded. He held his head in his hand. "Summon a council," Priam said to a guard next to her. "We must make ready for war."


    "Must you leave?" Andromache asked.

    Kegarta and Briseis had been packing all morning. Briseis had wanted to the leave the day she'd given the message to Priam. He, however, felt it was necessary to have her there to explain exactly what she saw to the council, the number of ships, the banners, the amount of men, she told them all in detail as they sat making a list of all the kingdoms that were now sailing for them. That exhausting account was followed by various debates about how best to spend the money Helen had brought with her.

    Messengers had already been sent to the friendly kingdoms over the borders who might come to their aid, the Amazons, Hittites, even the Philistines had been applied too for assistance. Of course all the kingdoms in the Troad would send what help they could, as was their duty as vassals of Troy, but a chunk of all the smaller kingdom's soldiers had to remain home as the Greeks would beginning raiding almost immediately once they landed, even if they weren't in need of additional supplies. Priam was against hiring mercenaries, at least for now, much to Hector's and a great many others' dismay. Priam felt it was best to buy up grain in case of a long siege, though his words made it clear he believed their victory would be quick, the buying of grain at such volume stirred doubt in Briseis about what he really thought.

    "My father has demanded Vhasti and I return. If we are still here when the Greeks land the voyage will be impossible. And my kingdom and my friend Lavda need me." Briseis said it as gently as she could. Andromache's company was one of the few things she would miss about Troy. The view of the sea and the architecture of their wall and temples being others.

    "I will miss you," Andromache looked down at her hands.

    The two were sharing one final meal together. Briseis wouldn't have minded Hector joining them but he was locked in private council with the king and generals. Many of the visiting nobles and royalty from around the Troad were also taking flight from the city. Many to gather their soldiers and send reinforcements to Troy, but she saw fear in the eyes of many who walked the halls with their servants carrying loads of belongings behind them.

    "We needn't be completely separated," Briseis put her hand over the Princess of Troy's. Briseis clicked her tongue and took her hand away from Andromache's. A long eared owl landed on her arm. "This is Nike. Pet her."

    Hesitant, Andromache used one finger to scratch the top of the Nike's head. When the creature didn't bite or screech Andromache grew more bold. She ran her hand down the creature's wing and the owl cooed in pleasure.

    "I named her for the goddess of victory because I wasn't sure she'd survive when I first found her. She was a mere hatchling when I found her wounded in my garden. Her wing was broken and she had a horrible lash on her body. A fox or wolf no doubt was responsible. I nursed her back to health and formed a bond with her." Briseis had once explained her bonds with these creature to Andromache so no further explanation was needed. "I want you to have her."

    "I don't how to care for her," Andromache said sheepish.

    "Make a perch for her in your room. Leave out water, she can hunt for herself. I want you to take her for more than comfort. She is trained to bring messages to me." Briseis gently set the owl down on the table. Nike began to peck at the meat on the plates. Briseis brought out the capsule that she'd designed to hold the messages. "The messages can't be too long or they wont fit, but its big enough for us to exchange a good deal."

Achilles&Briseis: A NovelWhere stories live. Discover now