Chapter 19

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    "You can't wear that." Vhasti took in Briseis' attire with distaste.

    Vhasti had somehow gotten word of the private dinner and that Briseis would be attending. Though Vhasti was disappointed not to have been invited to what she considered a prestigious event, having her daughter attend did reflect well on Vhasti in the eyes of the other visiting royals. Her father had packed up and left the city soon after the last council they'd attended together. Briseis still hadn't gotten a chance to speak with him as to the truth of her origin; every time she tried Briseus was with some king or high official from another kingdom. As much as Briseis wanted answers she wouldn't start a scene in front of company or even the servants.

    "Plain clothing is required," Briseis reminded Vhasti as she let her hair down from its complicated braided style. Briseis had chosen one of Kegarta's dresses. It was the plainest item of clothing they'd packed. It was a soft blue sleeping garment with no ornament or complicated embroidery. It would be scandalous for her to be seen in this under other circumstances, but after consulting Hector she was told it was fine. Kegarta was already nearing Briseis' height so it fit her well, even though it was loose around the waist.

    "Even still put your hair up at least."

    Briseis disregarded Vhasti's comment. "I'll be back later tonight." Briseis rose from her cushion as a guard entered her room to escort her. "Kegarta see my mother back to her chambers."

    Vhasti sniffed and Kegarta nodded. The storm seemed to be lessening though a chill lingered in the air making her shiver. Torch light cast strange shadows on the wall, constantly shifting from one shape to another. Only the sound of her footsteps and that of her guard could be heard. Even as still as the palace had been since the funeral games began, this silence was different. It felt ominous.

    They rounded a corner to see Andromache and Hector standing at the door of the room. It was strange to see the couple dressed even more plainly than she was.

    Andromache took Briseis' hands and squared her shoulders that had looked so fragile for many long days. "Thank you, sister. I couldn't face this tonight without you and Hector by my side."

    Briseis removed her hands from Andromache's and gave her friend a hug. In the back of her mind, Briseis wondered if she'd be repeating this with Lavda soon. She hoped not, Briseis couldn't take much more sorrow on top of the fear of war.

    "It's time," Hector told them. The women broke apart and Andromache took the arm of her husband and the hand of Briseis. The trio entered the room to see no servants, only the royal family sat around a preset table. Briseis recognized some of the faces, but there were more she couldn't name. Priam and Hecuba had been prolific in their creation of children, the room was full to bursting with their children and the spouses of those old enough to have them.

    There were two noticeable absences; Paris and Helen. Andromache seemed to pay it no mind but Briseis could hear Hector mutter under his breath about Paris and his dishonor. His temper seemed to be cooled as Andromache briefly laid her head against his arm. Briseis felt the dinner would go smoother if the controversial couple stayed away. It was clear Priam and Hecuba were displeased as they shot disapproving glances at the empty seats.

    Hector helped his wife to her seat but didn't take his own. "Tonight we gather as a family to say goodbye to my son—"

    His words were cut off by the loud swish of doors. Helen and Paris walked in without so much as an apology for being late. That rudeness might have been overlooked by Hector had the couple adhered to the dress code. Paris was dressed in finery but Helen seemed to have taken care to select the best of everything she owned. Her gown was a flowing purple, embroidered with birds and trees, jewels adorned her hair and body, with every moment the woman glistened.

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