Chapter 20

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The staircase was dark as she descended farther into the depths of the castle. Only light from the torch she held illuminated the space. As nervous as Briseis had been to face Helen, facing Hecuba was worse. At least it was now. Hecuba's position on Helen's status within Troy was abundantly clear. Hecuba certainly wouldn't approve of the long visit Briseis had paid to Helen. That visit was the only reason Briseis could see for a summons such as this. She calmed her nerves as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

A heavy oak door with a brass knocker was only feet away. The door opened before she could knock. "Hector?" she asked uncertain.

"Come in, we've been waiting for you," he said with a slight smile.

Hecuba and several men sat at a table inside the room. Briseis took one of the two available seats, and Hector the other.

"Did you enjoy your visit with that mongrel?" Hecuba asked, her face twisting into an unpleasant expression at the very thought of Helen.

Briseis shook her head. "No, Your Majesty. It was very distasteful."

Hecuba's face turned impassive as if she were stone. "I received a report you spent four hours with the woman. Quite a lengthy visit for it to be so unpleasant." Hecuba's eyes pierced through Briseis.

"I was worried what she would do if I didn't act accordingly to what she wanted. Her display of inhuman power is something I don't want to see or experience again," Briseis told the truth and Hecuba nodded at her words.

"But this visit, it went well? You have Helen's favor now?" Hecuba's eyes narrowed as she waited for the answer.

"I believe so, my Queen."

Hector slammed his fist down on the table. "Good. We want you to help us get this infection out of Troy."

Briseis looked around at each of the people gathered around the table. Some were Hecuba's sons, but another was one of the generals she recognized from the council sessions. One who had argued the loudest that Helen be sent back. Several other men she didn't know also sat around the table. Based on their manner and dress, Briseis believed them to be soldiers. There was one person missing whom she expected to see.

"Deiphobus isn't here? He has a good mind for this type of thing," Briseis said. "Perhaps we should send for him."

"No," said Hecuba with a shake of her head. "I'm afraid there's nobody in Troy more anxious for this war to happen than Deiphobus. If he knew of this meeting he would go to the king. I want to avoid the war, but I just want Helen gone more. I'd poison her if I could, but her death wouldn't prevent war. We must return her to Sparta alive."

"How are we going to do it?" Briseis asked.


There wasn't much time. Briseis waited at the stables for Helen to appear. The moonlight was the only guide she had to saddle the horses. Helen would likely think too highly of herself to saddle one with her own fingers, and this plan must remain secret, so Briseis had to do it herself. The stable master had been bribed to leave the creatures unguarded for the night.

"Briseis!" Helen's voice hissed from the right.

"Here." She led the beasts out of the stable and crept toward the gate where Helen waited in her hooded cloak. "Let's go. I've already bribed the guards to let us through the gate," Briseis told Helen with a grin.

Helen's eyes shone with excitement. "I can't wait to leave this place. I didn't expect to be cooped up in the palace day in and day out. A swim in the sea was an excellent idea."

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