7.4 • Married

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Six months had passed peacefully. Maya was back to her normal self and she had gradually stopped saying I Love You to Mahir, which Mahir found weird.

It was a Sunday morning when they received a wedding invitation. Aleena's wedding invitation. Mahir stared at the card with emotionless eyes. He wondered what sort of love it was between him and Aleena. Because moving on was so easy for him and for her too, who is about to marry someone else.

“Are you going to attend her wedding?” Maya asked him curiously.

Mahir shook his head, “No. I'll send a wedding gift though.” He threw the wedding card on the coffee table and went upstairs.

Maya sighed. Aleena had moved on but her and Mahir's lives had been tangled. They weren't carefree around each other anymore now that Mahir knew about Maya's strong feelings for him.


A few days later, Ayan called both Maya and Mahir to his bedroom. When they entered inside, their parents were sitting on the couches together and were in deep thoughts. Turns out they were discussing the possibility of getting Maya and Mahir married. Maya wasn't hopeful.

Maheen looked at Mahir, “Mahir, would you consider marrying Maya?”

Mahir was silent for long moments and Maya wasn't surprised at all. But then he said, “I am ready.”

“Are you sure?” Maya asked him.

“Yeah.” He nodded and left the room.


Maya knocked on Mahir's door. When he opened the door, she started, “Mahir, you don't have to marry me.”

Mahir stared at her as if she wasn't a woman but a unicorn.

“Maya, what's wrong now?” He asked.

“You don't even love me, Mahir.” She reasoned.

Mahir sighed in annoyance, “But you love me, right? What's wrong with you, Maya? When I was marrying Aleena, you weren't happy. And when I am marrying you, again you aren't happy.”

“I only wanted you to not marry Aleena.”

“Then will you be okay if I date some other girl?”

She kept quiet.

“Maya, you are complicating things for both of us.” He pulled her inside the room and made her sit on the bean bag.

“Listen, Maya, you love me, right?”

She nodded silently.

“Then we can work things out together. I can't just watch you trying to act normal when both of us know about your insecurities. I'm ready to marry you because I love you enough to not let you destroy yourself.”

“Are you serious about this, Mahir?”

“You still doubt that?”

She shook her head, “No. It's just hard to believe.”

Mahir stared at her face, unsure about how to make her believe him.

“It's time for dinner. Let's go down.” He held her wrist and they went downstairs together.


It was awkward to lie down on the same bed. Their first kiss was even more awkward. It happened accidentally on the third day of their marriage when both of them were looking for her lost earrings. Maya turned to look at him who was bending very close to her and the kiss happened. The awkwardness between them died on the fiftieth day of their marriage. They weren't planning on having sex. They just ended up having sex.

That night Maya was having terrible period cramps. Mahir put his palm inside her shirt and caressed her lower abdomen area. She had spread a towel beneath herself because she didn't want to stain the bedsheets. She could hardly avoid stains during periods. It was always a tough job for her. Mahir was massaging the area. It was relaxing but it also eased the blood flow increasing her chances of staining her panties and pajama again. But it was helping the pain so she let it be. His free hand patted her head and he moved to kiss her on lips. Maya responded to the kiss quite impatiently, thanks to her hormones. Mahir hovered over her and put his both hands inside her shirt. He ended the kiss and asked her, “Maya, do you want to?”

Maya nodded immediately, again thanks to her hormones. He removed his t-shirt and then began unbuttoning her cotton shirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. He stared her body in awe and temptation.

“Don't stare like that, Mahir.” Maya complained. He chuckled and kissed her again.

The sex was messy. Partly because of her periods and partly because of their inexperience. But they liked it, though embarassed at their sloppy pace.

“Maya.” Mahir whispered.

“Hmm.” She hummed while resting her head on his shoulder.

“I think I love you.”

She moved to look at him who was smiling softly.

“Are you serious, Mahir?”

He nodded and kissed her cheek before closing his eyes.


Once watching a movie, a dialogue just stayed in my mind. Rather than running behind the person you love, choose the one who loves you.

Mahir did the same.


First of all, those who are interested in reading a story revolving around eating disorders can check Zehnaseeb by demurecroughts


Stories like this are tricky to write. They put me in moral dilemma. Same had happened while writing Rich Hearts in The Art Of Love.

Btw, I haven't abandoned Rich Hearts, the separate book. I'll start working on it again one day for sure.


I hope you all liked this story. Well, votes are telling me you did like it

Question: Do you hate Maya or love Maya now?

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