5.3 • Doctor In Shining Armor

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The next morning Payali's gate was bombarded by various photographers. She couldn't step out of the damn house. If she did, cameras would start flashing on her. So she had to spend the entire day locked inside her house.

“What the hell is happening?” She mumbled to herself while opening her phone. Instantly various follow requests on Instagram popped on the screen. They weren't ten or twenty but more than a thousand follow requests.

“Something has definitely happened. Let me search my name on Google.” She typed her name on Google and some latest articles showed up.

“Bappa! I am rumoured to be dating that Punjabi Bull! I am a well educated doctor and he is a twelfth pass who didn't even bother to get a degree. No way in hell!”

The previous day people saw her with Kunal on her Activa. Though she was wearing a helmet but still they managed to remember her face. And a day ago, Adarsh had followed her on Instagram. So those smart pants found her Instagram account which explained so many follow requests.

“Kunal Banga, you are gone!”


Kunal was warming up in the cricket group when he saw Payali coming towards him. He had seen the articles circulated online. So without thinking he began jogging away from her. But Payali kept following him.

“Kunal, stop!” She yelled at him.

But he didn't stop. She huffed in annoyance before threatening him, “Kunal, stop or I'll make a report saying you can't play for a year.”

He sighed defeatedly before turning around and jogging to her.

“Yes?” He asked helplessly.

“Release a statement denying all links between us.” She demanded.

“Why? I am enjoying the memes circulating on Twitter.” He pouted.

“Excuse me, media is lingering around my house all the time. Its so difficult to even get out of the house. I had to jump to neighbour's terrace and then use their back door to get out.”

“Oh, wow! That's quite an adventure.” He grinned.

“Adventure, my foot! Release a statement or I'll release a report restraining you from playing for a year. Decision is yours.”  Saying so she began leaving.

Kunal sighed before following her.

“Dr Payali, I can't release any statement.”

Payali looked back at him while walking, “Why?”

“My PR team has told me to not do that.”

“Why?” She looked away and kept walking to her Activa.

“Because these rumours are diverting the people trolling me online for not playing the India Pakistan match.”

“See, Kunal, these rumours are bothering my life. I don't care what your PR says.”

She had just pulled out the keys when both of them saw a gang of college girls heading towards them.

“Payali, I think we should run inside.” Kunal whispered to her.

She glared at him,“Why? They must be your fans. Not a big deal.”

“They don't look like fans, but hormonal stalkers.” He had just uttered those words when those stalker girls reached them. They were six in total and carried a smug look that promised trouble.

Kunal was about to run when they circled around him.

“Hey! Where are you going, huh? We have been stalking you for two weeks. Finally we got our hands on you.” Their presumed leader spoke, disgusting Kunal to no end.

“Payali, save me!” He pleaded to her.

“It's none of my business. I'm leaving.” Saying so she pulled out her keys.

Kunal was left shocked at her reply, “Oye! Would you have said the same if there was a girl at my place? Such a pseudo feminist!” He yelled at her angrily.

Payali sighed before putting the keys back into her pockets and turned around to look at him who was trapped by those rowdy girls. Without a second thought, Payali removed her black sandal and launched at those girls. She was alone but the sandal in her hand was just enough to handle those brats. Kunal was standing there and staring at the scene with open mouth and wide eyes. It felt so filmy, but in a funny way. And finally those girls ran away.

Payali sighed tiredly before wearing her sandal again. She glanced at Kunal one last time before driving away on Activa.

Kunal just stood there in daze.


“So Payali beat those girls with her sandal?” Adarsh asked him disbelief.

Kunal took a sip of his orange juice before nodding, “She looked heroic. My heart went frantic seeing her like that.”

“So she scared you?”

“Nope, she impressed me. Actually, I feel like I got a crush on her.” He smiled.

“But she is two year elder than you. You are twenty six and she is twenty eight.”

“Who cares? At least, I won't have to put a strong guy facade in front of her.”


“But I am afraid to ask her out. She will definitely reject me.” Kunal grimaced.

“Then impress her. Be nice with her. Befriend with her. And then tada! Propose her.”

“Adarsh, do you really think it would be that easy?”

“Nah, not at all. It's Payali we are talking about. She will give you a hard time. But, bro, this time you look a little more serious about it then your previous relationships. And Payali is a strong and mature girl. So it's worth it.”

“Yeah, I should at least try.”


Question: Do you watch Korean Dramas?


Thoughts 💭

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