Brother hood!~

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The boss came out and he was "Rang?" I and yeon said at the same time. Tears filled my eyes but I didn't let it show.

He was staring at us as his eyes soften a bit. "Rang?" Yeon called again. "Lee yeon?L/N Y/N?" Rang muttered still shocked from seeing us.

"You're alive"  yeon said as tears filled his eyes but he was also relived. "You're alive... in this era"

'Oh shit!  He said that, he said that, he said that, and there's no way he wouldn't find us Suspicious now now. Yeon always messes up. But I'm really happy to see Rang doing well in thus Era, healthy and happy.. I guess.'

I thought as I ran to Rang to hug him. From the corner of my eye, I saw yeon dropped his sword and running towards him to hug hin too so I quickly teleported behind Rang and hugged him as yeon hugged him from the front.

"Die!" Rang said but we didn't care and hugged him anyways.

"Thank goddess.. your heart is beating, and you're breathing just fine." Yeon said breaking the hug. I broke the hug and just looked at Rang while yeon hugged him again and said "You're alive, my brother."

Rang suddenly broke the hug rather harshly and said "get lost. You take opium or what?" He said as he was attacking yeon with the axe but yeon defended, took the axe abd pointed it at his neck.

"I'm sorry, We don't have enough time, Rang." Yeon said to him. Awkward silence filling the room. " hand it over" I said as I turned to the theif. "H-Here . It's right here" he said shuttering and handing the Guardian Stone to me. I took the stone and noticed his hand is shaking.

Yeon tied Rang to that wooden pillar. "Whats up with your hair?" Yeon asked him touching his hair." I know right, he was so stylish" I said. " Don't touch me! I'll kill you." Rang said.

"I can't believe you're a bandit leader. You've been doing this for 30 years?" Yeon asked him. "Yeon. Stealing, plundering,  and killing." Rang said.

" he didn't change even a bit, he was the same in future ." I muttered to myself. " it's my fault" yeon said. I nodded closing my eyes in agreement . I mean when does yeon even agree that it's his fault? It's rare like REALLY RARE.

"After i Lost my beloved, I couldn't afford to care for you"  yeon continued. I was still nodding. Knowing that when he was gone I took care of Rang but as I was busy sometimes I would visit and take care of him whenever I was free. We were quite close and he told me everything. Yeon really did hurt him. A LOT.

" I know.. but I really want to tell you something.." yeon said taking a step forward. " I.. did you wrong"  he said.

As he finished saying that. I looked over to Rang and noticed that his eyes that were flaming with hatred and revenge, are now filled with loneliness and sadness.

Tale of the nine tailed 1938 Yandere! various × readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu