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I'm going to make some Younghoon and Yeon Ju moments. I said it before and I'll say it again , Yeon Ju is undervalued and I don't get why. She was pretty and cared for her friends alot , it kinda pisses me off no one talks about her.


It was lunch and Ting decided to stay close with Youngshin as they found a unoccupied table in the cafeteria. It had just been a few hours since he arrived and Ting could see he was the center of attention as all the students getting their food looked at him.

He had heard the whispers and the mixish boy wasn't surprised a few of his classmates had already began gossiping and starting rumors about him being of Thai Korean descent. Even back at the boarding school , people gave him looks but something seemed different here about the way they stared at him.

"Fuck. Do I feel like I'm on display for some exhibition." Ting snorted with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

Youngshin looked around and turned to face Ting , "don't mind them. Nothing interesting happens at Sungjin. It's the same that happened with Nara , she transferred during junior year but she was the talk of the school because she came from England. You're just the trending topic so far because face it ;it's not every day you hear a Thai Korean seeing you look more Korean than Thai."

Ting ignored his neighbor and might he dare say it ; friend's humorous smile . "Glad to hear I'm so special." Youngshin just snorted and Ting recalled what he said , "whose Nara again?"

"Her." Youngshin pointed to a table and Ting saw it was the girl with long brown wavey hair , she was seated with the class president, Yu Jung and a mushroom haired girl.

Ting made a mental note to remember her name , to be precise master all the names of the girls in his class. He had been in a all boys boarding school since he was ten and although girls from other schools paid a visit , it was exciting to be in a class with students from the other sex.

Ting-Nae Siripongthon was bisexual , but he was mainly attracted to girls than guys , a few boys caught his eye but he preferred having male crushes on K-pop idols and actors after that terrible experience with that jerk when he was thirteen.

However with girls , Ting didn't restrict to himself , especially how they flocked at him he flirted with them . He had his dear late and shameless father to thank for that. Ting knew all his flirtatious behaviour was inherited from his father who flirted with anything in a skirt.

Ting was snapped out of his thoughts when the dorky guy from before and a chubby dude sat at the same table as him and Youngshin.

"Kim Duk Joong," the chubby guy introduced himself and Ting didn't feel particularly annoyed by his presence like most people.


"Oh my gosh you sound so cool - you're definitely the cool type."

"Duk Joong." Youngshin rose a brow and Ting was amused , people , except GangWoo , rarely found him cool.

"So you two really know each other?" The cute dorky guy asked as he adjusted his glasses.

Duk Joong hit his shoulder , "didn't you hear him," he pointed at Ting as if he were a celebrity or something , " they are neighbors."

Youngshin sighed and faced Ting , " Ting. This is Duk Joong and Kim Chi Yeol."

"Everyone calls him Kimchi." Duk Joong explained as the cute dorky guy groaned while Ting didn't understand the nickname.

AFTER MATH(Duty After School)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ