"June, I'm so sorry," said Theo. "I never knew that."

"Hardly anybody does," June responded. "It's not something I tell most people."

"If you don't mind me asking, why me?"

Because I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I want you to know everything about me. "You're pretty real, too."

Theo smiled and moved toward the door, pulling it open in one smooth gesture. "Enough sappy shit, let's get drinkin'. Do you think they have fries? We kinda skipped breakfast and lunch, didn't we?"

"First of all, the English call fries 'chips' and no, traditional pubs are for social drinking more than anything else. They typically don't serve food," June explained.

"Damn," sighed Theo. "I'm starving."

"We can get some food on the way," laughed June as she followed him down the hall. Aside from their clothes and dangerous mission, it was relatively easy to forget all that. Instead, June and Theo were on vacation, exploring the city together by pub-hopping across London.

June was starting to think that it was okay if her love was unrequited. At least she had this opportunity to be with Theo, uninterrupted, with no one able to come between them besides herself.

And, well, Jack the Ripper.

- - - - - - - - - - -

8:45 p.m.

THE MAN TOOK a long drag of his cigarette from the corner booth at the pub. The lights were dim, the air thick with warm bodies and the smell of alcohol.

"Can I get you another beer, sir?" The bartender, a bigger man with a mustache, asked.

"Make it two," said the man. "And a cosmopolitan for the lady."

"Right away, sir." The bartender didn't bother to ask whom the man was ordering for, but they weren't paid to ask questions.

The man stroked his mustache and watched the young man and woman walk into the bar, chattering amongst themselves casually. As much as he hated to admit it, they perplexed him. Not only were their accents strange and their presence eerily out of place, but the man wasn't quite sure why they would rewrite an old love letter referencing the New World. They had followed him, eavesdropped on him, and now spoke of his sacred mission like theirs. Something about this was not right, and he would figure out what it was in no time.

He made eye contact with Edward across the bar and tipped his head slightly in a nod to let him know the couple had been spotted. Without wasting a breath, the man pushed himself out of his seat and approached them before they had a chance to sit down.

"Excuse me," he greeted. "I could not help but notice that the two of you look new to the area."

- - - - - - - - - - -

8:50 p.m.

June froze, blue eyes so wide a black hole could have formed. Theo fought hard to keep his heartbeat under control, though he still felt rather disheveled. While they had no definitive proof that it was him, it was the same voice from the previous night in the alcove. Not to mention that this man had a very similar tall black hat. If it was him, how had he known they would be there?

"Indeed, we are," he said, trying his best to mimic the old language. "We have traveled here from the, uh, States."

"The States," the man repeated. "Quite a long journey for a lovely couple like you. What brings you to London?"

Thankfully, June sprung to life. "Oh, we are newly married." What?

"How lovely. And did you fail to provide your lady with a ring, good sir?"

Theo floundered for words. "Well, uh, you see, it's quite the story."

"He lost it," June interrupted. "By God, he lost it. So now we're to spend our honeymoon searching for a proper replacement. Isn't that right, Theo?"

"Unfortunately, yes," said Theo, shooting June a gaze that said if he kills me because you said that I'm going to be pissed.

"Pity," replied the man. "Perhaps some spirits would cheer you up. I have already ordered some for you. They are likely ready and waiting by the bar. Would you be so kind as to accompany me?"

Theo's vision blurred, the lights and the chatter overflooding every one of his senses all at once. He and June had not prepared themselves for confrontation this early. What did this mean? If this was Jack, had he known they'd been following him? Were they walking straight into a death trap?

"Of course," June interjected, breaking the silence. "May I ask your name, sir?"

"Thomas," said the man, leading the two of them over to the bar.

Theo felt a knot loosen in the pit of his stomach, though it tightened up again instantly when he saw the look on June's face. All the color had drained from her face, leaving her white as a sheet.

"Thomas Cutbush?" She asked. Theo could hear her voice waver only slightly. She was keeping it together for now, but he could tell she was moments away from a panic attack.

"Why, yes," replied the man—Thomas, pausing in his tracks. For the first time during the interaction, he was the one who looked perplexed. "You have heard of me?"

"It seems you may be well-known amongst the townsfolk," said June.

"Ah, well I suppose there is a reason for that. We can discuss such things later. Let us sit and have banter, shall we?" Thomas grabbed the drinks from where they waited on the counter and led them to a booth in the corner. "Now, you have inquired about me, but I have learned little to nothing about you."

Theo figured this was Theo's turn to pick up some of the slack in the conversation. He took a big swig of his beer before speaking. "My name is Theo—Theodore, and this is my, uh, wife June."

"How have you been enjoying London so far? Whitechapel is certainly not what I would consider a honeymoon location for most."

Nah, the dirt, murder, and lack of current technology were perfectly suitable for a newlywed couple. Theo silently prayed they could turn this into a more believable situation.

"I have always adored London," said June. Some of the color had returned to her cheeks, likely from the drink she was sipping. "I wanted to travel here even as a little girl. It may not be a picturesque destination, but if I'm with Theo, I might as well be on the moon." June smiled over at Theo, and he was surprised at how genuine the statement felt.

"I see," nodded Thomas. "If you are interested in history, you must visit the London Library. The archives, especially. You will never see anything quite like it."

Suddenly, it was like the air had gone stale. Theo counted one heartbeat, two. June pushed herself up out of the chair like something had bitten her. "I am afraid I must excuse myself for a moment and get some fresh air."

As soon as she rushed off, Theo knew he had to follow. Besides, he had no intentions of sticking around to have a light conversation with this man. "My apologies," he said, placing his beer on the table. "She has... episodes on occasion. I must make sure she is all right."

"Not to worry," said Thomas. "Take your time."

Theo couldn't make it outside fast enough. He let out a relieved sigh when he found June waiting for him.

"Was that...?"

"Yes," June hissed. "Thomas Cutbush is one of the people suspected to be Jack the Ripper. And if he mentioned the London Library..."

"He's been following us," Theo finished. They thought they'd had the upper hand this entire time when instead, they were the ones being hunted. And now he knew exactly who they were.

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