pregnancy test

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Okay, Willie_Herold asking me for a sequel to my pervious story "A best friend thing" and call the sequel called "pregnancy test". well, I almost had a heart attack at this guy's request. I never thought I'm going to do this, But. Well, im going to make it, anyway.

Agent Kit, feeling dizzy and concerned about her health, decided to visit the clinic room at CLADE HQ. She approached Agent Cubby, a diligent and caring canine agent, and shared her recent symptoms, including morning sickness and dizziness.

Kit: Hey Cubby, I've been feeling really off lately. Dizzy spells and I even vomited this morning. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

Cubby: Oh no, Kit! That doesn't sound good. Let me check you out. Sit down here and let's see what's going on.

As Agent Cubby examined Kit, her expression turned serious.

Cubby: Wait, Kit. According to the test results, it shows that you're pregnant.

Kit's eyes widened in disbelief.

Kit: Pregnant? How is that even possible? Sam and I are different species!

Cubby: Well, Kit, sometimes nature works in mysterious ways. Let me take a closer look and confirm the details.

Kit's mind raced with a mix of emotions. She worried about how Sam would react to the news and if he would want to have a child.

Kit: Cubby, what if Sam doesn't want the baby? I mean, we're so different, and raising an interspecies child could be challenging.

Cubby: Kit, don't jump to conclusions just yet. Let's focus on the facts first. Sam's DNA test will reveal the truth. Then we can figure out the best way forward.

Feeling grateful for Cubby's support, Kit walked out of the clinic room, clutching the positive pregnancy test in her paw. She made her way to her quarters, her thoughts consumed with worry about sharing the news with Sam.

Kit entered their shared room to find Sam engrossed in organizing the bookshelf. She took a deep breath and walked over to him.

Kit: Hey Sam, can we talk for a moment?

Sam looked up, noticing Kit's serious expression.

Sam: Sure, Kit. What's on your mind?

Kit hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words.

Kit: Sam, I have something important to tell you. I found out today that I'm pregnant. The test confirms it's your DNA.

Sam's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered and a smile spread across his face.

Sam: Kit, that's incredible! We're going to have a baby! I couldn't be happier! And you just make me happiest mammal on the life

Kit's worries started to melt away, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

Kit: But Sam, we're different species. Do you think we can make this work? I don't want our child to suffer because of our differences.

Sam walked closer to Kit, gently taking her paws in his.

Sam: Kit, love knows no boundaries. Our child will be a beautiful blend of our unique qualities. We'll figure out the challenges together and provide all the love and support they need. Our love can overcome anything.

Kit felt a warmth wash over her as Sam's words sank in. Tears welled up in her eyes, but this time they were tears of joy.

Kit: Sam, I was so scared, but hearing you say that fills my heart with hope and love. Thank you for being so understanding.

Sam pulled Kit into a tight embrace, cherishing the moment of connection and shared excitement.

Sam: Kit, I think We're a family now, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you and our child has the best life possible. We'll face any challenges together, with love as our guide, I love you snowflake.

Sam: Stop it, please. You sounds like Wally right now

Kit's worries began to fade as she realized the depth of Sam's commitment and love. She knew they would navigate this journey as a team. They held each other, feeling the weight of their shared joy and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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