caught up

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yet another sam x harold

Sam and Harold sat close together on the sofa, their hands gently touching. Just as they were lost in their moment, Kit and Agent Fritz Gerald walked in and caught them off guard.

Kit looked surprised but quickly composed herself. "Oops, sorry for interrupting," she said, a hint of a smile on her face.

Sam blushed and tried to explain, "It's not what it seems, Kit. It was just a mistake."

Harold nodded, his face flushed. "Yeah, we didn't mean for it to happen."

Kit's smile grew and understand the situation. "I get it. You guys like each other, right?"

Sam nodded sheepishly. "Yes, we do."

Kit put a reassuring hand on Sam's shoulder. "That's okay. But why take the risk during the daytime? It could cause trouble if someone finds out."

Sam realized their error and sighed. "You're right, Kit. We should have been more careful. It was thoughtless of us."

Harold spoke up, his voice determined. "We promise we won't let it happen again during work hours."

Kit nodded, offering guidance. "Good. Keep it outside of work, so it doesn't affect the team."

Sam and Harold looked at each other, understanding the importance of Kit's advice. "Thank you, Kit. We'll be more considerate," they said in unison.

With that, the team carried on, knowing they could trust each other to be professional and supportive. Sam and Harold learned the importance of timing and discretion, vowing to nurture their relationship without causing any disruptions in their work environment. In the following days, Sam and Harold made sure to keep their romantic moments outside of work hours. They found solace in stolen glances, secret smiles, and subtle gestures when they were alone or during breaks. The team noticed a newfound sense of focus and dedication from both of them.

Kit, being the observant and caring teammate she was, occasionally checked in with Sam and Harold, making sure they were doing alright. She offered her support and advice whenever they needed it.

One afternoon, during a coffee break, Kit sat down next to Sam and Harold, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, how's the 'bird love' going?" she asked, using their inside joke.

Sam chuckled and exchanged a playful glance with Harold. "It's going well, Kit. We're following your advice, keeping it outside of work."

Harold nodded in agreement. "We've been more mindful of our actions and ensuring that it doesn't affect our performance or the team."

Kit smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. Love is a beautiful thing, and it shouldn't hinder our work. Just remember to prioritize your responsibilities and maintain professionalism."

Sam and Harold nodded, grateful for Kit's guidance. They were determined to strike a balance between their personal happiness and their commitment to their work.

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