Chapter 5 The Struggle

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A/N Apologies, Just Got Back From A Trip

Damn it. Fuck you. God Damn Aeon Bitch.

I could feel the fatigue from carrying two people at once finally kicking in. Normally I wouldn't even feel this much exhaustion, but the difference was now apparent. Before and after I had my powers sealed is too much of a difference.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Sampo and he nodded his head. He's been nodding his head ever since hours ago, seriously if it weren't because of these circumstances I would've had no problem with crucifying him in the sewers.

Suddenly he stopped and his body moved as if he was doing something that required a lot of movement, but after that a loud bang could be heard and we left the sewer system.

Sampo then lead me the way to a building and when we entered I knew what kind of building we were in. It was something akin to a hospital and there were a few patients lying down on the beds.

Just as we entered an angry woman with blue-gray color came towards us and boy did she look furious as soon as she saw guess who?

You're right as soon as she saw Sampo she came straight at us with a broom.

"Now hold on, I didn't cause any trouble, but my friends were the ones..." Before he could continue any further I had my hand on his shoulder, my strength barely there as that hand was also carrying Bronya.

"You were saying," Switching to my Kale voice, I "Kindly" reminded him that I was one of that "Friends" he was about to use as an excuse.

"I'm sorry if he troubled you in any way," The woman bowed slightly at me, but I shook my head.

"Honestly had he not cause us trouble we would've been in a much dire spot, but for now can you treat them or do something about the knock out gas this idiot gave them," I put Bronya and Dan Heng on the beds that were empty.

"Sure, I'll see what I can do," She said and went to treat them.

"You come with me. I need to set some stories straight with you," I pointed at Sampo and gestured for him to follow me.

Soon we were in an alleyway and I had Sampo in the dead end side of the alleway, with me blocking his path to escape.

"Now when the silvermane guardian wakes up, I want you to say that you took her as hostage and I had to follow you,"

"But why would I do that?" He cut me off and I smacked him in the head.

"First don't cut me off before I finish, second you asked me to follow you because I was one of the few that was close and awake, and two that you needed someone else to help carry the unconscious ones," I finished and he nodded.

"You're trying to get close to her aren't you?" He asked in a knowing tone and I nodded.

"She seems to hold some importance in the upper world, so I intended to use her to save her city," I simply answer before turning around and started to walk away from him.

I soon returned to the clinic and talked to the doctor.

"So how are their conditions? Any of them awake yet Dr.." I realized that I didn't know her name so I stopped speaking.

"Natasha, and there in nothing wrong with them, although the silver haired one started to twitch her eyes a few minutes ago, so she should be awake any minute now," She told me her name and the conditions of the unconscious ones.

"Thank you doctor Natasha," I said before taking a chair and sitting next to Bronya.

I watch as her eyes twitch occasionally before they started to open slowly, her hand rubbing one of them before the other followed suit to rub the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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