The Arrival

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3'd POV

A man sat down on a throne, overwatching the lands between and slowly greeted their new lord. A maidenless tarnished that achieved a goal that people would call unachievable for him. Now he is the pinnacle of all in the lands between the new Elden Lord.

But Elden Lord would not be his last destiny. The greater will had other plans for the tarnished. The land between was merely a test. The true journey would start soon. And this time, it wouldn't be limited to a continent, it won't be limited to a planet nor would it be limited to a single galaxy. The tarnished would be sent to finally do what it was created in the first place. To conquer more for the greater will. It would have to start killing Outer Gods.

A portal appeared in front of the Elden Throne and from it a new journey opened up. A journey the tarnished would likely to overcome once again. For he has done that a lot in the past. Whether it was as the slayer of demons, the chosen undead, the bearer of curses, the ashen one, the wolf, the hunter, and lastly as the tarnished. All his life was only filled with battle and blood. Not once has he known the feeling of peace. Not once has he known any other feeling than rage, grieve, and pain. When will this end? He asked himself, but had no answer himself. He is but a being with no purpose and direction. A lamb being herd into wherever the shepard wishes it to go.

"It seemeth like the greater will hath sent me on another journey.", The tarnished sighed as he stood up from his throne.

"Verily, I have been called upon, thus I must answer." The tarnished stepped forward into the unknown.

3'd POV A Space Station

Multiple warning alarms were fired up, monsters of the legion were surrounding a ship for unknown reasons. Inside the crew of the ships were fighting desperately to survive, yet in the midst of this chaos, a single woman with red wine hair was simply dancing whilst also acting as if she was playing the violin, completely oblivious of her surroundings.

A loud blast finally managed to stop her, but the woman didn't seem to be fazed at all.

A hologram popped out from thin air and the red wine haired woman smirked.

"It seems like I came at a bad time," the woman said calmly, but the hologram flickered a bit before a sound of another female that sounded younger spoke up.

"No no... I think you couldn't time it better," the female voice spoke from the hologram.

The woman soon waltzed through the space station, eliminating all enemies that stood in her way. But one of them seems to have survived and charged from her back, but like a computer glitch the monster seemed to have been erased out of existence.

"What was that?" The red wine haired woman asked with slight interest.

"Nothing much, just some alteration to the fabric of reality and I sent the legion monster to a random location," The silvered hair girl shrugged and popped bubblegum.

"Come on let's continue, Elio said that if we're late a variable would appear and disturbed our mission," Kafka spoke and both of them entered a room where a lot of monitors were on.

"Split up, I'll look over there," The silver haired girl went in first and started to inspect the room.

"You know this is the first time Elio sent us out on a mission that does not have a guaranteed success rate, know why?" The silver haired girl asked whilst tinkering with her holograms.

"He said that something was coming, a being powerful enough to slay even Aeons," The red wine haired woman replied.

"Surely a being powerful enough to kill Aeons wouldn't waste much time here wouldn't it?" The silver haired girl raised her eyebrow and all the holograms were closed, all but one.

The Greater Will's Return (On Hold) (I can never focus on one thing Lmao)Where stories live. Discover now