The Meeting

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A/N Note that I will try and hint some other fromsoft games, but mostly it will be  Elden Ring stuff since I have yet to get my hands on Bloodborne, Demon Souls. Well I watch them sometimes so I know some stuff from those games.

I have reached the maximum story for star rail so I will continue this story until that point and adding some stories unrelated to the main quest, you can think of it as side quests.

3'd POV Herta's Space Station

Two people found the unconscious man Kafka left behind and were in a dispute about how to wake them out, shaking the man seemed fruitless as they were still in the state of unconsciousness and didn't seem like they were going to wake up any time soon.

"How about you try doing CPR for them?" A girl with pink hair suggested to her black haired friend.

"Fine," He sighed helplessly and stared at the man in front of him before closing in, "Pardon the intrusion," The black haired man closed his eyes and closing the gap, but before he could continue any further the girl noticed the unconscious man's eye twitch and pushed the black haired man to the side.

"Alright Dan Heng no need to continue, they seem to be awake now," She said as she started to check the man to see if he was fully aware of his surroundings.

"Hey are you awake?" She asked, her hand waving in front of the man's face.

"Who... are you?" The man spoke hoarsely as he tried to hoist himself up, but failed miserably as he was not used to it yet.

"Who... am I?" He asked, holding his head but there was no pain, just confusion.

"Memory lost huh," the girl spoke with pity and helped the man up.

"Well seeing that we haven't found what we came here for, March you go and escort.." Dan Heng spoke and pointed at the man realizing he didn't know his name yet.

"Arius, Arius Vendarius" Arius replied as it was the only thing he remembers, aside from Kafka.

"Yes, Arius. March you two should head to the main control zone while I will keep searching for Arlan," Dan Heng said and turned around to leave.

"Stay safe you two," He spoke before running off.

"Welp I guess you're stuck with me for now," The girl spoke and chuckled in the end, but Arius' focus was to a bat across them.

Walking towards the bat he picked it up and swung it a couple of times before nodding in satisfaction.

"This would do for now," Arius whispered and kept the bat.

"Hey I'm reliable you know, we can arrive there without you having to raise a hand at all," She sounded a bit offended, but yet playful at the same time.

"Just in case," Arius smirked and March huffed, March walked in front whilst Arius followed behind her, as they made their way to the main control zone occasional tremors could be felt but when questioned by Arius March didn't have any knowledge of fights that would have reached that scale.

As both individuals carefully made their way through the chaotic space station they eventually arrived in front of a lift, but it seems like it was currently not functional.

"Hah, if only Dan Heng is with us. I swear that man is like a walking encyclopedia most of the times," March exclaimed in frustration.

"But unfortunately I do not know how to operate this," Dan Heng's voice suddenly resounded behind March and she jumped and squealed.

" did you get here so fast?" March asked and Dan Heng just pointed up.

"I saw both of you from up there so I came down to tell you guys that Arlan is in that room, but he's minorly injured," He shrugged and March nodded.

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