Wash and No

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Well, if you read my last post you probably noticed that I promised a post on the infamous wash n' go. So here goes. I washed my hair with my staple conditioner Tresseme Naturals, applied an oil, and then proceeded to slather my hair in gel like I had seen every other natural on YouTube do. I wasn't to fond with the jerry curl look I had going on, but I decided to just see what happened. The next morning, besides my hair still being a little damp, I was proud of my work. The results were great and I had defined curls, but then something happened. I would touch one of my coils and ten flakes would come raining down like a parade. I knew I could not be a walking flake machine so i decided to wash it out. I first tried to cowash it out. The gel simply laughed at me. Then I tried to use my cleansing conditioner. This helped a little, but I could still feel the sticky cast on my hair. So I had to pull out the forbidden fruit to wash the gunky mess out of my hair—-shampoo. So the moral of the story is, wash n' gel your hair is not for me. I will stick to my braidouts, twist outs, and true wash my hair and walk out the door.

Okay Guys. So I wanted to add some humor to the book. I evaluated how many posts on natural hair I could do, and figured things would get repetitive, so I will be incorporating funny stories and moments that I am sure all naturals have experienced at least once. I hope you enjoyed this little entry, and for anyone who still wants that wash n' go post, I linked a video just for you, that does not include slathering gel through your hair!

You can find me at:

Instagram: malika.z

Email: malikaculpepper@gmail.com

And hopefully a soon to be YouTube channel!

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