The beginning of a new era!

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UA staff:

Thirteen: I can't believe we got him.

Mic: Same.

Midnight: Who said that?

Cementoss: Oh OH...

Power: What do you mean?

Midnight: I should bring him food but he is not here!

AllMight: He can't get off campus.

Cementoss: True. Nezu did really wonders and made this more secure than Tartarus.

Midnight: Then someone explain to me where he is!

Power: Lock down? We have our students by our side after all.

Eraserhead: Lock every door for now. Let's not give him any chance to attack our kids.

Mic: Oh by the way how is Vlads class?

Eraserhead: Annoying.

Thirteen: Oh he likes them.

Eraserhead: No, I said annoying.

Midnight: It's the same for you.

Cementoss: Should we include Nezu here.

Snipe: Nezu? Why?

Cementoss: We have a lose villain at UA.

Snipe: True but don't you think it is enough to actually keep our kids safe?

Eraserhead went offline

Mic: Huh... why did he go offline?

Midnight: I might know why....

Mic: Hm?

Midnight: Look out of the window to the one building where we have the villain locked.

Thirteen: Wait you mean that is him? I thought this is one of Power Loaders projects.

Power: Not mine.

Thirteen: WHAT?!

Midnight: Oh no..

Mic: You don't think the kid will jump.

Cementoss: Why would he do that?

Snipe: Better question, what do we do if he does?!

Midnight: I think that is too late to ask...

Mic: Sho won't make it in time!

Power: How did he get up there.

Cementoss: FUCK!

Everyone went offline

3rd POV:

While everyone had thought that Deku was a villain and a kid without a quirk, they didn't put his intelligence into account. Thanks to this, they had locked him up in the teachers dorms in a room and gave him a whole floor to be at. They thought they might be able to change Deku's personality slowly but that was not the case. No one knew that he would do anything to not go to a rehab system or anything like that. In fact he was sick of being treated like a nuisance the moment people find out that he was quirk.

This was how he managed to get out and go to the rooftop. Deku knew it was useless to try and escape. In this case, he would rather ruin UA's reputation and haunt them all in his next life.

Bit by bit he got up to the rooftop while every teacher was busy teaching their class and he managed to bypass every security system as well. No one noticed him at all until someone from Vlad's class did and pointed it out to Eraserhead. Too bad that there was nothing the man could do besides watch the kid smile, wave and then jump off the rooftop.

A sudden end to the villain named Deku but this would be a story no one would be able to forget at UA. Nezu couldn't even let the News people out of this and soon this story became public. 

The moment it did, UA and all the heroes in the country became the target of villains who knew about Deku and they were quite in numbers. All the villains knew about him including Stain and each of them respected the kid as well as feared him. Once he was gone, they all felt a sense of anger towards the heroes who made one of them, a child, jump off a rooftop. This was how the age of villainy became much worse and little did everyone know how determined the LOV was on revenge. No matter what, they would end the UA heroes life including All Might and make them suffer as well.


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this small short story. Thanks for reading it as well :)

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