"I have actual evidence, Y/N!" He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his favourites.

He flipped the phone around, there was a photo of Y/N, Chuuya and himself. "Photoshop" he excused it.

"I have videos of you talking about your cat, Cocaine kitty!" He pulled up a video, on the video you were chasing your cat around with a cats costume whilst yelling. 'I love you, not like how mori likes kids though!'

Chuuya laughed at the video as it bring back good memories. "Oh, so your that guy" she replied.

"What guy?" He asked her and put his phone back into his pocket. She pulled her phone out, in a folder the had 703 extremely embarrassing photos of both Dazai and Chuuya.

Chuuya and Dazai  started at them blankly. The white haired boy tried not to laugh.

"Also, Chuuya. I don't think Ive told you this, but I'm the one who stole your phone a few years back and told mori you like to masturbate to cocomelon. I also stole your phone a few weeks ago and messaged Akutagawa saying that you had a dog toy up your ass"

"YOU WHAT?!" Chuuya yelled as Dazai laughed so hard he had to hold onto his sides. Atsushi laughed along with Dazai.

"It fine because I have video evidence if you and your friend getting high and literally travelling to Mexico" Chuuya smiled evilly.


"Crack whore"

"Do we hate Dazai?"




"G-guys, let's calm down and do the mission" Atsushi released the tension with ease.

"Your right, Atsushi. You should ditch Dazai and join the port mafia" Y/N crossed her arms and closed her eyes as she nodded to herself.

"Uh..." Atsushi had a mental blank for a moment, Dazai took the chance to speak up.

"Y/N  you chicks join the Armed Detective Agency" he gripped into her side as Chuuya tried to pry him off of Y/N.

"I don't solve crimes, I do crimes moron" she grabbed Dazais face and pulled theirs closer together.

"What are you supposed to be? Sherlock Holmes?" She kept their faces close, Chuuya had to pull Y/N back, he had his arms wrapped around her shoulders and her body pressed against his.

Dazai fell forward but caught himself. "Ah- dazai are you okay?" Atsushi ran over to dazai who still laid on the floor.

"Let's go, the longer this mission takes the worse my mental health gets"  Y/N slithered out of Chuuyas grip and towards the door, the rooftop was getting cold.

They all walked down into the fancy apartment, Y/N and Atsushi booked in at the counter.

They walked over to where the others were, of course they were fighting. "Uhm, guys..." Atsushia voice was being yelled over.

"Guys? Dazai..." his voice sounded real awkward. "Please stop fighting" he called once more, his words landed upon deaf ears.

Y/N sighed. "You two! Shut the fuck up, your being a disturbance to the guests here!" Y/Ns voice didn't sound angry, just tired.

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