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"What do you mean your selling me off?"

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"What do you mean your selling me off?"

The young girl has tears swelling up in her eyes

"Your a monster, you have abnormal abilities. We may aswell make some money off of something like you"

Her fathers voice harsh. Her mother stood behind him, she had few regrets on their decision.

A loud knocking erupted from the front door. Her mother rushed to open the door with a smirk.

That night she was taken away and turned into an animal of science.

Although her last name was always going to be L/N, she couldn't help but hate it. The people who gave her that name, had thrown her away for money.

"You know Y/N, if you think to hard your head will explode" Chuuya teased the girl who snapped out of her daze.

"Huh?" She asked, the helicopter had coke to a stop. "You were zoned out for the remainder of the ride, what were you thinking about?" Chuuya asked as they gathered their bags and jumped off of the helicopter.

"My family" She said blankly. Chuuya didn't push for any further information.

The two detectives have already hopped off of the helicopter. Y/N looked around from the rooftop.

"Wouldn't this be a great place to die?" The brunette announced. Y/N turned her head towards him. She didn't question him.

"Dazai, please don't get any ideas..." they grey haired boy sounded as if he was used to this man's behaviour.

"You two, detectives or whatever your titles are. What are your names?" Y/N looked over to the two.

Chuuya stood close behind Y/N and played with her hair a bit. The grey haired boy didn't mind the question, but the brunette seemed to be hurt.

"Oh, my names Atsushi Nakijima" he smiled wholesomely at the girl. She introduced herself back to him.

"You mean you don't remember me?" He covered his mouth with his hand dramatically.

"No, that's why I'm asking you in the first place" she sighed, the brunette was even more hurt by this.

"Aw...my names Dazai Osamu, Ring any bells?" He now moved his hands to his hips.

"No" she stated. "Have you hit your head? We've known each other for years. Chuuya back me up" he replied.

"Y/N, don't listen to him. He's a stranger trying to get into your pants. Stay on guard" he continued to play the girls hair.

"Got it" she nodded her head. "Hey! That's not fair!" He glared at Chuuya with a tad bit of anger.

"Don't glare at my leprechaun like that, Dazai" she moved her arm out to cover Chuuya in a protective manor.

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