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Y/N was told to meet her two partners by main entrance

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Y/N was told to meet her two partners by main entrance.

She put per usual cargo pants and black skin tight turtle neck and hip windows. She wore long gloves her converse and her necklace.

She rubbed her right eye with two of her fingers.

"DO YOU WANT A FIGHT, PUNK?!" Chuuya yelled. The girl sighed as she entered the battlefield.

'What is it now?' She questioned in her head. "be quiet" dazai complained.

Chuuya was about to yell at him once more but Y/N stepped in. "Stop fighting and tell me about this mission" she placed her hands on her hips and yawned.
"This is an under cover mission, I need all three of you."

"In Tokyo, there will be a big party hosted by a rich couple who we need to assassinate, however they are being highly guarded by other gifted they hired."

"This shouldn't be too hard considering they aren't trained."

"You must find a way to play this out without making a commotion."

"Get yourselves fancy suits or dresses and act out a relationship of some sort to trick the people. Make sure you look rich."

"I have made sure to get you three on the list"

Dazai played a recording of the bosses instructions.

"He's sending a helicopter over tomorrow morning, for now we have do go find some clothing. He gave us enough money to do so." Chuuya said.
The three walked into a clothing store. "Dazai should wear white" Y/N said with her eyes closed and her finger on her chin.

"As if" Dazai replied. "It would make you look the part, but you wear what you want to." She wondered off into the dress Isle.

She picked out a white sleeveless and backless dress and a pair of white gloves to go with it. She had also picked out a pair of white heels.

She next picked out a dress with a similar style but it hid the back and had a long leg slit and didn't cover much chest.

"This one would be easier to move around in" she spoke to herself.

She walked over to chuuya who was sitting on a couch with his suit beside him.

"I need your help to pick out my dress" she sighed, Chuuya looked up at her. "Put them in and let me see them."

She slipped the first dress on and pulled her gloves and heels on.

She stepped out the changing room allowing Chuuya to come observe her outfit. "Not bad, show me the other one."

She stepped back into the changing room. Once she stepped out, Chuuyas jaw slightly dropped.

"This one, it will be easier to love around in." He said while closing his eyes and tilting his head downward.
"Now that we're done shopping for clothes, let's eat" Dazai said holding bag on his hand.

The began walking down the endless streets looking for a small café. Chuuya walked close to Y/N to make sure she didn't run off again.

They entered a small cafe and sat down at a corner booth.

Y/N brushed her black hair with her finger slowly.

Dazai and Chuuya's eyes rested on the zoned out girl. Looking at her blood red eyes and black hair.

Dazai noticed that she had always worn gloves that only cover one finger. "Y/N, why is it that you always wear gloves that cover one finger?" He asked.

She looked to her hands and sighed. "It's my ability" she said to the boy.

"I read your files, there wasn't much info on your ability." He stated.

"Shocking" she snarky replied. "Jeez, stop interrogating her will ya." He said to the brunette who held his hands up in defence.

"I'm just asking a few questions, Chuuya" he whined.
The three had gone their own ways home. well, except Dazai. He looked over Y/N'S files once more.

AGE: 14
A Tainted Hearts Aspiration
— the users is granted constant monster strength and their physical ability's enhance...
'Isn't that odd?' He laughed internally. "Well, Y/N L/N, let's see how much longer you can hide that ability of yours." He closed her files and put them back where they had come from.
Chuuya packed his bag, he looked around not anything else he might need. 'Ah shit, i need a tie' he remembered.

He walked out of his apartment to go buy a tie.

'Where would I find one?' He thought as he walked past multiple shops.

He walked past a jewellery shop and stopped when he saw the most beautiful necklace.

It was silver and it's charm was a beautiful red diamonds surrounded by other smaller white crystals.

'It reminds me of Y/N'S eyes' he thought as he entered the store.

'It's just something nice I could to because I work with her' he made himself and excuse.

He continued to walk past all types of shops until he finally found one. He picked out a plain black tie and paid for it.

'I'll give this to her before the party' he though to himself.
Y/N hasn't cut her hair since she was just a child, it now stood by har calf's.

She pulled her hair to somewhere visage to her and snipped a chunk off.

She let it down, it now rested a little bit bellow her bottom. Next she cut herself some bangs.

Her new hair made her face look better than it did before.

She noticed in the sunlight that there was a dark red streak slowly making its way through her hair.

'Crap' she knew that it was never good. However it did look nice.

Every time there was a red streak in her hair it sort of warned her that her ability would take over.

She pulled her gloves off and looked at the back of her hands.

The marking on her hands were slowly transitioning from black to red.

The marks were a dotted circle surrounding a blood droplet. The blood droplet in the middle of the circle had already gone red.

The marks continued up her forearms like a line where her gloves covered.

She shoved both of her hands back into her gloves.

"I best prepare for the mission" she said aloud to herself before walking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"I best prepare for the mission" she said aloud to herself before walking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her

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