'little' secrets(Bael×Yuki)

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Summary: William casually sets up his son with a girl he met only 10 minutes ago, Bael is also less fazed by the X demons then Yuki thought he would be, also Steve keeps trying to hug him...

William hummed as he walked into the mansion, immediately confused as he saw his son, Bael, pacing around as servants tried to follow him

Key word: tried, as he was pacing erratically and bumped into some while others just kinda. Sat by waiting, if not slightly concerned

"Hey prince whats up?" William asked, getting what most consider animal-like noises and growls

Which translated to 'I came on to strong with questions and- I was just worried but nows she's gone and I don't know if she's okay!'

"....who is she?" William asked, he didn't realize anyone had spent the night, much less a friend of Baels

He's assuming Cherri perhaps but Bael wouldn't be this frantic- and really, nothing could make Cherri uncomfortable enough to run away

"oh- OH!" William said, damn. He KNEW he recognized that shirt form somewhere! "Are you talking about yuki- the pink haired girl?"

"Yes- why did you see her?- wait how do you know her?" Bael asked, suspiciously at the end

"I ran into her on the way here actually" he chirped, "I knew I recognized that shirt from somewhere!"

"Whoch way did she go?!" bael asked, and william blinked

"Somewhere past the flower shope, mentioned having to stop by the butcher- probably by the dorms if I'd have to guess" William said thoughtfully, "I gave her a rose if that helps?"

Bael nodded, "Yep, Yeah that's fine- anyways I'm going out" he stated, walking past his dad

"Now? In your pajamas?" William asked, turning to examine his son

".....yes" Bael said after a minute, and William shrugged

"Okay" he said, Bael looked at him suspiciously considering his dad always wanted him to be dressed properly before leaving but nonetheless slowly left

.....then ran when he got out the gate, William watched for a minute before turning around

"My dear I'm home and have set our son up!" William trumpet
ly shouted, walking down the hall to his and Katrina's bed room
Bael knew immediately where to go- he'd heard rumors, pink flashes running , X demons disappearing, the rank 1 former dorms seemingly infested with said X demons, Yuki not being seen for 3 months everything happening IN that time frame

He could peice things together....when he wasnt drinking to drown his feelings

....anyways- Bael continued down the path only slightly regretting not wearing shoes as he got to the destroyed rank 1 dorms

And now he wish he still had his broom. Because there was 40-ish X demons in the ruins

".....well this should be interesting" she mumbled, and stepped in
Oink perked up hearing mutters amd footsteps and slowly over towards the sound

His ear flickered when they saw that one tall demon with one horn, didn't Egg say something about a broom being associated woth him?

He slowly backed away and walked over to the little grouo they'd formed to tell them there was a demon here and probably looking for mama and they should get ready

Meanwhile, in said area/little group, Steve chirped trying to get his moms attention, tail wagging patently and everything

"God you have attachment issues don't you lovely?" Yuki asked, already knowing the answer. Nonetheless Steve chirped three more times

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