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Summary: Yuki runs into someone who is now insisting she gets into better clothes.....he's apparently Baels dad-

She RAN- does the hall down the stairs and half way down she was hot with the realization she forgot her clothes

Duck- okay she'd go back to get them and- "agh!" She shouted, running into someone

"Sorry! Sorry! I uh- I wasn't watching where I was going!" She apologized, slightly panicked

It was a mistake coming here- Katrina had thought she was Lilith and she'd been...been yelled at for the 2nd time by a head of hell- FUCK that power difference hit her like a brick wall TWICE now, she felt weak and vulnerable- even now!

She had stayed the noght- she didn't want to make ma- Kat, disappointed or worse....mad, si shed left her kiddies alone at home and they were probably wondering where she was and were probably hungry-

plus meeting Bael- fuck everyone was just WATCHING, and STARING and he looked so- so concerned and worried- it made her feel sick

"Breath child, you're okay, just focus on breathing" a voice said oh, when did she start panicking? She should why couldn't she

"Shh shh shh, you're okay, just breath, 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out" they guided

She panted "I'm sorry-" she tried to say, wincing at her broken sounding voice

"I uh- I don't know why that happened" she did know, everything had just been ti much and had all come crashing down-

Well, at least she didn't do it in front of principle cetus.....

"It's fine" he, Yuki couldn't see him clearly now, said

"Mhm, uh, thank you for that" she said, looking away embarrassed

"No problem" he said, patting her shoulder

"Uh, who are you? If I can ask that" she giggled

"I'm lord William" He, William, said and Yuki had to double take

"I- oh- you're Baels dad- you're mama Kat- er, Katrina's husband- huh you really are my same height" she said quickly

"You know Bael?" William asked, she nodded

"Yeah we're.." were they friends? Something more? He seemed really worried but what if it was just a xover fir nmangee?! Or- "friends" she said, taking deep breaths

"Oh?" He said as he looked her over head to toe.....why did she suddenly feel like she was being judged-

"Well then that won't do, comon I have some better day clothes you can wear!"

"Wait what?"

Andddd she was promptly dragged to a giant closet that made her feel very very small

"These are some of my wives old clothes, we can't have you tailored- mainly because it's take to long" William said, giving her some clothes

She stared at them a bit awkwardly, "er, okay?" She said questioningly

"Unless you'd prefer a tux, in which case I do have an old one" William offered

"Uh mmm, no this is uh, the dress is fine- I just don't typically dress....fancy" she said, that and she was trying to LEAVE

"Well I think you'll look fine in it" he said, and osuhed her to the closet, "now go in"

"....okay then" she squeaked out, in the closet and looking down at the clothes, how was she gonna get out of this?

Also my prediction for how the next episode well go, sorta- doubt it'll go exactly like this but! considering we are meeting 'papa william' I think Yuki well be rushing out of the mansion and bump into papa there, and considering how he doesn't like Baels clothing he's probably look at yukis skirt and pj shirt and go ".....nope!"

Or she'll realize she left her clothes and chocker and stuff and go back for it and then run into papa Will and then be given fancier clothes to wear

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