Light vs Darkness

Beginne am Anfang


Why not? I thought it'd look good on you, and besides...

What harm is there in giving a small gift to my Little Brother?

I see... I'll cherish it.

Mou! You aren't even being truthful about it!


Hmph, so cold!

Rimuru held out a mask in his hand, looking at it. A mask he stored up in his Stomach, not giving it much importance...

Yet, for some reason, those words from before had sparked a new feeling inside of him.

A warm Feeling.

I see... so that's why.

He thought with a small smile.

He thought with a small smile

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Rimuru: As you wish. I've got your back, Elder Brother.

He puts the mask on his face, covering it completely.

Rimuru turned his face sideways as his eyes met the Otherworlders behind his mask, the man was just standing there as if waiting for him.

Cathal: So, you done?

The Otherworlder had given him some space as he seemed to reminisce about some memory.

Well, Rimuru had to thank him for allowing him those precious seconds.

Rimuru: Yes, I am done. Thank you for wasting your time you could've used to strike me, idiot.

He returned to his usual monotone self and readied his Naginata, sending an insult as he prepares to go on a Round Two against his opponent.

The Otherworlder only scoffed before readying his fists, glaring at Rimuru as the Earthen metal covers his fists.

Cathal: Come at me then, you mere Slime.

He provokes Rimuru, but Rimuru doesn't fall for it.

Ofcourse, that doesn't mean he won't be going on the offensive.

Rimuru: As you wish, Human.

He launches a fast strike with his naginata, lunging at the Enlightened with his weapon covered in the Storm Element and his aura.




Both opponents dashed towards eachother furiously, their weapons ready to strike their opponent down and defeat them in an instant.

The Worldbreaker's Symphony (Being Rewritten)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt