MH: "Maybe she got tired of you."

Ashley slapped him on his arm.

MH: "Oh! That hurt so much!"

A: "Oh shut up, sissy! So what happened?!"

SY: "Min Hyuk, can you explain to her?"

He explained as I unlocked the gate doors to our house, "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?! THAT ALIEN JERK, I KNEW WE SHOULD'VE NEVER EVER TRUSTED HIM. Not like I ever did in fact."

I smiled. "Forget about it... Maybe Mother will rethink this whole situation after seeing me like this. Excuse me, I'm gonna change, just make yourself at home."

They nodded and laid flat on the two couches.

"HEAVEN!" They said in unison.

Taehyung POV

Why is she mad? She can't possibly think this is my fault can she? I tried to save her, but the girls wouldn't throw anything anymore. I even made them run away! Shouldn't she be thankful? I saw Sae Yeon's mom apologizing to Mom for what Sae Yeon did, and I've got to admit, my heart felt guilty.

Taehyung's Mom POV

"I'm so sorry for my daughter's behavior, Mrs. Kim." She said, I smiled. "It's fine! I understand why she feels that way, I can't blame her, Mrs. Park."

She smiled, "Well... I'll be going now. Maybe we can finalize the bridal stuff tomorrow! I mean, the wedding is on Saturday and it's still Tuesday!"

I nodded, oh! "Wait! Mrs. Park! I was thinking of actually letting them live together starting tomorrow, so that they can even get the dress on their own. It's their wedding anyways."

Her eyes widened in happiness, "Oh, that would be great! Taehyung-ah! Don't worry too much about her, she doesn't hold grudges." Great, everything is going as planned.

-----Kim Empire's Estates-----

"Mom... is this the right thing to do?" Taehyung asked,

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you hired those girls, so that I could save her... but now she threw a tantrum and even her mom apologized."

I looked at him and smiled, "If you weren't late, maybe she wouldn't have been hit. It's fine though, Momma had plan B, and it went as planned! It's fine, Taehyung, there was no lie involved or anything, so nothing to be guilty about. Once you gain her heart and her company, you won't have to worry about a thing! Get me a granddaughter while you're at it!"

He laughed and nodded and went to his room, "Remember! Tomorrow you'll be moving into the new house!"


Sae Yeon POV

*ding dong ding dong*

"Probably Mom, could you get the door?" I said to Min Hyuk. He stood up and opened the door.

"What are you doing here?! Min Hyuk-ssi! Please leave right at this moment!"

What?! I ran to the door to stop him, "Mom! What are you doing?!"

"You're getting married, Sae Yeon! What are you doing still inviting boys over?!"

"It's not just any boys, it's Min Hyuk!"

"It doesn't matter, young lady! Why are you still here?!"

"Mom! And if I told you I liked him?! Would you still be chasing him away?!"

OW! My cheek was stinging, and I knew she slapped me, Ashley came to my aid, while Min Hyuk's eyes widened.

"Get out!" Mom yelled, and Min Hyuk left. "You're getting married on Saturday! You're getting your dress tomorrow! And you won't have time for him! Stop with your "liking" nonsense! This is love we're talking about!"

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