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A hand shook me awake softly along with Jack's voice telling me to wake up. Rolling over, the hot sun flared in my eyes. Shielding my eyes from the sun, I reached over to look at the time. It was 10:47 and Jack had already eaten breakfast with the team and stretched.

" Dude you have to get up," Jack came back over 10 minutes later, jumping on my bed. " It's almost 11 and we leave at 11:30."

Not answering, I grabbed some clothes and hopped in the shower. The warm water making me tired again, I went as fast as I could. While washing my hair, my mind wandered to Jobe for the first time since meeting him. He was nicer than I had expected if i'm honest. He also looked more like Jude in person. Deep brown eyes, cute dimples, short cut hair, tall. He was practically the exact resemblance of Jude.

Stepping out of the shower, water dripping over the floor, I changed into my Grealish england jersey, as well as shorts. Jack was shouting at me to hurry up through the door. I blow dried my hair, did light makeup, and tossed my england blue jordan's on. Rushing out the door, Jack had already started to leave. Rolling my eyes, I rushed after him.


The boys were warming up on the pitch down below. Jobe and I sat in a box with some other relatives and significant others. Not knowing anybody, he came down and sat next to me, not saying a word. It had been about 5 minutes before anyone had said anything.

" Ok," Jobe blurted, turning his body towards me, " You literally look nothing like Jack."

" I know, it's because i'm better looking. Plus, I also didn't get dropped as a baby." He laughed at my words, a gleam in his eyes.

" Did he actually, i'm never gonna let that go." He shook his head in disbelief, grabbing his phone out of his pocket, I assumed he was texting Jack already.

" Well he didn't actually but he almost did. He did hit his head on the side of the countertop when we were kids though. That's probably why."

Jobe didn't say anything, but just sat there, watching the boys pass back and forth. His head turning slightly, following the ball. I smiled slightly at the sight, looking back at the field.


The whistle blew, the sign of the game starting. As the players started running across the pitch, Jobe followed every single little detail, making a comment on it.

" Bad touch," He whispered after Kane had failed to gain control after a lofted ball.

" Damn Jobe, someones really getting into the game eh?"

" Yeah, yeah, shhhh," He responded, not taking his eyes off the pitch.

" Wow," I was taken aback by the sudden change of heart, " I see how it is."

" Sorry, i'm just super into it,"

" I can tell," I left him alone until until Harry Kane had a deflection off one of the center backs, making him score an own goal against his country. Neither of us said anything, just high fived.

We actually started cheering when Trent scored an absolute banger from right outside the box. Jobe jumped up out of his seat and started yelling for Trent to " put out the fire on his laces". I laughed at this, causing Jobe to remember that I was even there. He reached down, high-fiving me once again, a big smile upon his face. His dimple accentuated with his smile, making a smile come upon my face too.

At half, it was 3-0 already, England with the upper hand. Jobe was bored so once again he turned to me.

" Ok, but like who are you?" He blurted.

" What? Isabella Grealish?" I raised a eyebrow, not understanding what he meant.

" Well yeah but why have I literally never heard of you before?"

" I don't know? I've been around for 17 years so it's not like i'm a mystery."

" Hmm," He paused for a second before shrugging.

Not wanting the conversation to end, I said, " So you play for Birmingham right? How is it?"

" Ehh," He looked annoyed, " I'm not playing there anymore. I don't really get enough playing time to really progress you know?" Even though I didn't, I nodded my head, " It's just not my dream club, but I enjoy it. Sunderland offered me a contract and I took it." We sat there awkwardly for a while, before he started again. " What about you? Any aspirations or anything?"

" I mean, not really. I don't have a plan but a vague idea really. The plan is for me to major at the University of London in Sports Media and Communications. Then just find a football club to work at I guess?"

" That's lame," He clapped his hand over his mouth the second he said it. I assumed that it was just a thought that traveled a bit to far.

" Bloody hell Bellingham. I see how it is then." I folded my arms sarcastically. I decided to push my luck and try to piss him off. " At least I have brains. Professional footballers just get payed millions to fake injuries and dink around in a green rectangle. Real talent there." Even though I knew how difficult this job was, I felt like messing with him. I've seen what the sport does to players, especially since my brother was one of them. Mentally and physically it's draining.

He looked as if he was about to go off on me, but I stopped him before he could speak. " Relax Bellingham," I elbowed him lightly, " I was just kidding. I bet i'm smarter though."

He shook his head, though he couldn't hide the wide grin on his face as the second half got underway.

ok i hate the beginning but i love the end 🤷‍♀️ js lmk what yall think pls

Word Count: 995 words

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