" Cold and empty " she said to herself.

Mei walks over to the couch, and lays down covering herself properly with her cloak. She shuts her eyes close, wishing when she opens them things would be different. And as she drifted off into slumber, Mei was thrown into a long dream that she would barely be able to recollect half of it.

But the things she would remember, meant more than anything she's done in thirty-eight years of existing...

Within the realm of dreams, Mei Terumi finds herself trying to find her way through a crowd of spectators, her goal was to see the spectacule as well. And she pushed and shoved anybody in her way, in the dead of the night, which was without an ounce of fog.

Eventually Mei made it out of the crowd, and into the center stage of the spectacule, which had the crowd around in a circle to watch under the light of a moon. But the moon had nothing on this spectacule, as it shined bright like the sun, and brimmed with majestic golden-orange flames.

Mei lifted her gaze, and there stood the spectacule, a young man standing 180cm tall, with low spiky glowing hair and an outstandingly beautiful piercing blue eyes staring straight into her soul. And all she could whisper at the sight was,

" Y.... A.... M.... ".

The Mizukage kage awoke with a start, heart beating against her chest rapidly, and her stomach filled with odd sensations.

" What was I trying to say? " she asked herself with neither the recollection of what she whispered, or the face of the person she dreamt of.

A few minutes after her heart had settled down, she glanced to the windows, and it was dark out, at the sight her eyes widened.

" I overslept, " she said getting up and sprinting towards the sealed doorway.

Mei opens up her exit, and left the house, running as fast as she could back to the Mizukage residence...

Later Mei was scaling up the high building wall of the Mizukage residence, right above her was the window she had leaped from. Mei decided to walk around it, and stand at the left, after reaching the left position, Mei began to hear Chojuro's panicked voice.

' Damn it, my clone must have disappeared since I fell asleep ' Mei thought.

Mei Terumi takes a peek inside her office, seeing Chojuro search around in the spacious room, in which there is little to nothing to hide in it's open space. Mei expected Chojuro to leave, but he didn't, she waited for five minutes and he was still there, and strangely, Mei didn't feel like revealing herself to him.

' No one can find out about my hideout, I already deal with enough '.

The Mizukage kage thus decided to take another route to get back to her official residence, whilst using the time as an advantage to avoid running into Chojuro.

Mei Terumi leaps off, backflipping down into the fog... A few minutes later, Mei Terumi was already on her way to the Mizukage residence, when she spotted a crowd forming in an area not so far from it, at this she lifts up her emerald eyes, and thus spots the big white moon in the night.

" Impossible, " she says to herself.

Mei Terumi changes her direction, and went towards the increasing crowd, as she walked into the crowd, she began to get hit by a sense of deja Vu, as it began to unfold once again before her eyes. Mei was merely repeating the same actions, without even trying, it was a necessity to shove and push those people out of her way.

Mei proceeded forward, and as she did the mist that usually covered the area had faded into nothing, and everything was clearer than ever before. Mei shoves one last person out of her way, and she made it into the center stage, where the man in her dream stood.

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