you pass out (requested)

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"Hi, my love." Michael happily spoke as he watched you come down the stairs.

You've been sick for the last couple of days so you haven't left the bed much since then.

But Michael just got back from being in the studio with the boys and you desperately needed some water and didn't know he was home yet, so you got out of bed to grab some cold water.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he watched you make your way to the fridge to grab some water.

You closed the doors and set the bottle of water on the counter before giving him a hug.

You shrugged your shoulders in response to his question and he just frowned as he rubbed your back comfortingly.

He just wished you'd feel better already.

Not because he didn't want to take care of you or anything of that sort, but rather that he hated seeing you so unwell and he just wanted you to feel like your normal self again.

You pulled away from him and reached for your bottle of water, only to grip the counter as you started to feel dizzy.

"Baby?" He said as he placed his hand gently on your back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm a little dizzy." You replied.

He rubbed your back for a few seconds before looking toward the staircase.

"I should get you back to bed." He said. "Want me to carry you?"

"Yeah, in a second. I still feel really lightheaded."

He continued to rub your back as he stepped a little closer to you, just in case.

You hung your head and tried to wait for the dizziness to pass but it just wouldn't.

Instead, as the seconds passed, you only felt worse.

Your palms started to sweat and you began to feel sick again.

And as you loosened your grip on the counter, your vision blurred.

"I think I'm going to pass out." You warned your boyfriend, who went wide-eyed and put his arms around you just as your vision turned black and you fainted.

He caught you and gently placed you on the floor before he knelt beside you and gently shook you while saying your name worriedly.

"Y/N? Y/N, wake up!"

But you didn't.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called for an ambulance as he tried to wake you up.

As soon as he heard the sirens getting closer, you opened your eyes and met his.

"You scared me." He said worriedly, though a breath of relief left his lips.

He leaned down and kissed your forehead softly as the medics came in.

You sat up slowly, leaning back against Michael as he rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.

They did a couple of tests on you and said you were just dehydrated due to your throwing up so much.

So, thankfully, you didn't need to go to the hospital.

Instead, after they left, Michael carried you up to the bed and made you drink some water.

"I'll go get you some Gatorade or something in a few minutes. It should help." He said as he watched you take a few more sips of the cold drink. "You scared the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault." He said as he felt your forehead. "I'm just so relieved that you're okay. It could've been worse but it wasn't and I'm so happy about that."

You sent him a little smile as he stroked your cheek softly.

"Can you cuddle me?"

"Of course." He said with a little smile before lying down next to you.

You snuggled up to him and lay there as he played with your hair and brushed his fingers across your arm softly.

"I love you so much and hope you feel better soon, baby."

"I love you too." You said as you lay there with him, feeling a little better as he held you close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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