"Don't move" He says as a hand reaches for the compartment door handle before it opens it and a cloaked figure stands in the doorway its face hidden face hidden under a black hood. Suddenly Rory hears a woman screaming before it all goes black.

She groans as she opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling. Ron puts his hand out and helps her to sit up.

"Aurora are you okay" Hermione asks as Rory moves to lean against the seat behind her. She notices Harry still passed out on the floor.

"Don't worry he's fine you both passed out" Someone else speaks. Rory hears a gasp come from Harry as he opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times.

"Harry? Harry, are you all right?" Hermione hovers above him. He nods before sitting up. Ron passes Harry his glasses.

"Thanks" he says as he slips them on.  They all turn to a snapping sound and see Professor Lupin breaking some piece of chocolate off of a slab in his hand which he holds out and passes to Rory and Harry.

"Chocolate. Eat. It'll help"

"Thank you" Rory says looking at his face properly.

"What was that thing?" Harry asks.

"A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now" Lupin answers him causing Harry to frown in confusion.

"It was searching the train, Harry. For Sirius Black" Hermione tells him. Lupin stands up and heads to the door.

"I need to have a word with the driver. Excuse me. Eat. It'll help" As he leaves, Harry turns to Rory, Ron and Hermione.

"I'll be right back just need to check the twins" Rory says quickly leaving the compartment. She spots Remus down the corridor and runs after him.

"Professor" She calls, he stops and turns towards her smiling.


"Uncle Moony" She smiles at him.

"You remember me" His smile grew at this.

"Of course I remember you. I've missed you so much over the years. I've been thinking about you a lot lately to be honest"

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry I've never written I wasn't sure you'd remember me and I didn't want to risk freaking you out if you didn't"

"It's fine at least I can see you whenever I want now you'll be at Hogwarts. Oh and one more thing it's Rory now I don't really like Aurora it feels like I'm in trouble when people call me it"

"I'll remember that. Why don't you get back to your friends and I'll come check on you in a little bit"

"Okay I'll see you in a bit" She hugs him, surprising him slightly before walking back down the train towards the twins compartment.

"Oh merlin Rory thank god you're okay we were so worried" Fred jumps up quickly grabbing her by the shoulders and checking her over.

"Freddie I'm fine although I did kind of pass out when the dementor came in the compartment so did Harry" She says shrugging like it was no big deal.

"What do you mean you just passed out. Sit down now you still look a bit pale" he pulls her over to the bench and pushes her down.

"Guys I'm fine honestly. I don't know why I passed out" The three boys all look at her but decide to drop it for now.

"Guess who tried to hide in here when it first went dark" George says excitedly.


"Draco Malfoy and his two protection gorillas" Fred says trying not to laugh before he's finished.

Happier with you- Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now