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Start from the beginning

"No I did not. Don't say that shit."

"I already said that shit."

"Well, that shit is not true. But honestly you would be pretty fucking irritated with you if you were me and you had to listen to me basically tell you I don't want to lean on you when you're hurting because I don't know you despite the fact that we've been married for four damn years."

"Four years that I can't seem to recall."



"Ah, yes. 'Nothing.' To be honest, I'm really looking forward to more of that when we get home and talk tonight. That is if you will even stick to it."

"Of course I'll stick to it. What indication have I given you that I won't?"

"Let's see. I'll start with the fact that you barely want to look at me. We said we'd forget about this over dinner and enjoy it."

"Okay then why were you using your casserole to say I don't appreciate you?"

"It just came out after you kept avoiding making eye contact with me."

"Well I'm looking at you now. So just say how you feel, damn it."

"The way you did the other night when you blew up in my face? No thank you. I actually care about people's feelings."

Zayn scoffed.

"Another passive aggressive response. I'm looking forward to more of that when I get home as well.


Zayn and Harry turned to the kitchen where Patricia was.

"What's wrong?"

"We can all hear you. The arguing and the cursing."

They were so embarrassed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Ma. We didn't mean to."

"Sorry, Tricia." Harry said.

"It's alright. But unfortunately I'm going to have to relieve you of your dishwashing duty before my dishes end up broken."

"Ma, that would never happen."

"It's okay. I think you two have more pressing matters to tend to outside of washing the family's dirty dishes."

She walked over and turned off the water.

"What do you want us to do then?"

"What you need to do. Today is Thanksgiving. You shouldn't be angry at each other. You should be showing how thankful you are for each other. But not here. You need to do it privately."

"Okay... I guess we'll take the boys and go then."

"No. Not the boys. She quickly said and she pointed between the two of them. You are not going to ruin their family time with us. They've been asking if they could play board games with me and Yaser. So since the boys have overnight things here, they'll stay here and you and Harry can go home alone tonight and come back and get them tomorrow."

"Wow. That's actually really thoughtful of you, Tricia."

"No. Not thoughtful. Just necessary. Now go on. Talk to your boys and tell them goodbye so you can do what you have to do. Time's wasting."

Harry and Zayn looked at each other and the look they shared was that they knew she was right. It was time to resolve this or else everyone else around them would continue to suffer.


Later that night when they arrived home and changed into their pajamas, Zayn began the conversation.

The Pedestrian » Zarry ✅Where stories live. Discover now