❤. ~chp.7

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you said to me tht "There's a difference between you an other girls"

I always wondered what you truly meant by tht and now I see it im nt putting myself out there for others to see if I take a picture I send it to Yu first nt bc you ask but bc since your my lover its the right thing to do as a gfn. I never try and do anything to grab others attention im nt friendly to others im always in my own little world while your apart of it, I dont txt anyone else or hurt Yu in any way tht would damage our bond or connection we have.

I give you your space when needed, im there when Yu need sby to talk to, and I never gave up on us when shi messy or bad I always stayed an I always will. Your my cachorro❤ and always will be.

I love you puppy❤

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