Chapter 1

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I wander alone in the forest, like every day. All these days where I feel so lonely. I don't understand why I feel this way, this lonely. I can't do it, I can't feel complete with these people. Why are they looking at me this way? Why are they even looking at me? I didn't do anything bad, right? Don't look at me this way, as if I am different from you all. Don't abandon me. I feel so alone, rejected by the world. I need love, friendship to keep me afloat. I would even accept pity. This pity so unpleasant and heavy that it could kill me. Why am I so different from all others? Why does it only bring me hate? I simply don't understand.

I let myself sink along the trunk of a tree, bringing my trembling hands to my face. This face that lost its innocence long ago. This innocence that I would have liked to keep to hide myself from this bitter world a little longer. My bare feet are sinking in the cold and humid soil of the morning. My body tilt forward before violently finding the tree in my back. The pain runs through my body making me shiver. The shock is so painful but at the same time so good, making me feel alive. And I do it again, again and again. I grab the roots of this big and magnificent tree leaning into it. Give me strength... Oh strong nature. Help me overcome the pain of my life. I feel my lips tremble, trembling with rage and contempt. This contempt I have for myself and for those people who dare bring a child into the world to then abandon him. I despise myself, I despise this difference that prevents me from becoming happy. Which prevents me from knowing the love of a family.

"Why?!" I cry out with force sinking my nails into the roots. "Give me some answers!" I stand up gripping myself to the trunk of tree.

I lose myself. My fists connecting with any tree in my path. I feel pain, blood flows. Help me come to my senses. I lose my balance and find myself on all fours. Rolling on the side to find myself lying on my back, hands on my face. Blood flows, my hands pulse in agony. How much scars will have to remain on my body before I can feel at peace.

I get up, drained of all energy. Then I go home. People look at me, piercing me with this look that I know so well. I open the door already knowing what awaits me behind it.

"Aamon!" My stepfather's fist connects with my left cheeck. The iron taste spreads in my mouth and I feel my lip sting. I see my mother sitting on the couch. She does nothing, says nothing. She just stares at me with empty eyes.

"You fought again!." Marc fooloshly accuses me with a furious look. It bothers him so much when I'm fighting. He is so ashamed to find himself at the center of attention, judges by others. His image needs to be perfect.

I spit my blood on his face and smirk when I see his face turn beet red with rage. Before he can do anything a hand on his shoulder stops him. That's not my mothers. A woman dressed in all black stands behind Marc. I also now notice a man also dressed in black standing in the living room behind my mother.

"It's best for you if you don't touch him like this in our presence." The woman speaks in a serious tone.

Marc shakes his shoulders to get rid of her hand and leaves to sit next to my mother. I'm just watching not saying anything. The man approaches to stand next to the woman and it is just then that I notice how tall he is. He is far taller although I myself am already 1m87 tall. Everything about these people screams darkness. Black clothes, black hair and eyes. Although I myself am not that different with my black hair falling over my eyes that are as black as coal.

"Aamon let me introduce myself. My name is Clara and this is Damian. We are here because your parents accepted to enroll you in a boarding scholl where we work. My eyebrows twitch. It's a joke! They can't wait another year before I can leave this rat hole. I sigh massaging my forehead. Fuck.

"What is this boarding scholl? A recovery camp for turbulent teens?" I ask irritated. The woman makes a funny face.

"Not really a camp but it's true that there are several students who are slightly turbulent as you say."

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