"But... aren't we like... really young?" You ask.

"Why of course dear, but remember, this isn't the kind of love marriage you're thinking about, it's a business related one, so your concerns about it shouldn't be necessary." Terra says.

"Things will be the same as they were! The titles between you and the golden guard will just be known as, husband and wife, but your relationship will not change from how it always has been." Terra smiles.

"....this is... too much." You mumble.

"It doesn't signify anything between you too, it signifys a beginning of a new emperors coven system!" Terra smiles.

"Right..." you mumble.

The doors to the kitchen open, revealing Hunter. Of course it is, and it's always the kitchen he makes a dramatic entrance in too.

"There you are boy! Go to the wedding room! They need your input on some things!" Terra says.

Hunter looks at Terra and then glances at you.

"Uh.. I actually need to report to Belos about something." Hunter says.

"Good Titan child, what else could be more important than the marriage right now?" Terra sighs.

"Um.. that information.... Can only be disclosed to Belos himself." Hunter says.

"Let's just say the wedding might be put on hold for a few days." Hunter smiles.

Your eyes widen and you look at Terra and back at him.

"What?" You say.

"What?!" Terra exclaims.

"Golden guard business." Hunter nods, and then walks off.

You stare at him in shock as he just leaves. What is he doing? Why has he been disappearing for hours upon hours? Why does he suddenly have the power to delay the wedding. Well, it's not like your bothered by it but still.

"I'm going to my room." You say.

Terra sighs and nods. You begin heading to your room and sigh in disbelief, this is all too much going on, what is even happening?

You turn the corner and walk down the hallway to your room. Maybe a nap will help distract you from all this...

"Miss Y/n!" A guard says from behind you.

You turn your body to face towards them. It seems like they're holding something... like a package?

"This was mailed to you by a chef in congratulations on the wedding." The guard says.

You grab it and stare at it. The tag says "open asap before it melts"

"Okay, thank you." You smile and take the package.

The guard nods and leaves. You quickly go to your room and put the package down and begin opening it. No one usually has given you gifts like these before.

It's some sort of cake..? But it's a different kind of cake, a cake you haven't seen before. It's cold to the touch too. Is this a new recipe?

UℕᏇℐℒℒℐℕᎶℒᎽ  ℐℕ  ℒᎾᏉℰ  Ꮗℐтℋ  ᎽᎾU (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now