Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8

Start from the beginning

Sanji huffs. "That doesn't make any sense. If she's made of paper, she should be easier to cut."

"We just have to get a better angle on her." Zoro insists. 

They leap into the air again without warning, releasing another series of strong attacks. Yet no matter how hard they try, no one single shot lands, as Ga continues to carefully reposition her body with ease.

Both return to the dock and stand side by side, catching their breath. 

"This is impossible!" Sanji yells. 

"We're getting no where." Zoro grumbles, removing a sword from his mouth and placing it back in it's sheath. 

"You boys are fun!" Ga mocks. "So entertaining. I could do this all day."

Sanji jumps forward aggressively. "Don't count on it!"

Ga smiles and stares at them for a long moment. She raises one hand into the air. "...Now it's my turn." As she swings her hand downward, hundreds of white shards in the shape of moths burst from her fingers, sending the paper shapes straight at them. "PAPER MOTHS!" She calls out.

Zoro and Sanji shield their faces, but every surface of their skin is quickly diced with powerful paper cuts. They fall backwards, with sections of their clothes shredded and bleeding through.

Sanji grimaces in pain, holding his arm. "Ah! What was that?!"

"Paper!" Zoro replies, wiping blood from his eyes. 

"How the hell can paper do that?"

Ga grins, hovering above them. "What's the matter? Never had a paper cut before?"

Zoro stares at her. "She's sending shards of paper through the air so fast, they might as well be daggers."

Sanji struggles to his feet. "Damn! We won't survive another one of those!"

Zoro lifts himself up and readies his swords again. "Yeah, that was a little too crazy."

Ga agrees. "You're right! You couldn't withstand a simple attack like that, could you? But I still want to play. So let's try something else." She smiles and lifts her other hand into the air.

"Not this time!" Sanji exclaims, jumping toward her.

But just before Sanji is about to land his blow, Ga waves her hand at him playfully. "Origami." She says softly. 

Zoro's eye grows wide as Sanji falls back through the air, watching in horror as his body abruptly begins to contort and fold in on itself. When he returns to the dock beside Zoro, he is nothing more than a folded shape of human, twisted and unable to move, in the shape of a swan. 

"Sanji!" Zoro shouts.

Ga laughs. "Do you like it? You can call him Sanji-swan now!"

Zoro glares at her angrily. "You'll pay for that!"

Ga smiles coyly. "Don't take too long."

Zoro lifts his swords into the air and runs forward. "TWO SWORD STYLE--"

Yet before he can finish his words, Ga swiftly floats by him, touching his blades gently with her fingers. Zoro stops himself immediately, realizing with great shock that both of his blades have been turned to paper. He freezes in place, unsure of his next action, until Ga's giggle snaps him out of his daze. He quickly reaches for his other sword, still safe in the sheath. 

"PAPER VINES!" Ga calls out. As soon as Zoro's hand touches the hilt, he finds himself unable to move, as twisted rolls of paper creep up his body, securing his arms and legs to the dock. 

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