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Sebastian was sitting on a rock until Triton called his name, which made Sebastian fall to the sand.

Triton: "Sebastian"

Sebastian: "You've gotta be kidding me"

As Sebastian was swimming towards the throne and Triton.....Triton was looking out the window/Doorway towards the Kingdom

Sebastian: "Yes Majesty"

Triton: "I have always tried to do what's best for our people"

Sebastian: "Yes Your Majesty"

Triton: "And what's best for my Children"

Sebastian: "Indeed Your majesty"

Triton: "and I've done everything to make him Happy"

Sebastian: "Well Not quite"

(Up on the surface)

Peter was on a rock looking at land

Triton: "He wants a different life I have planned for him"

Sebastian: "He did try telling you your majesty"

Triton: "But I won't be able to protect him anymore"

Sebastian: "Well It's like I always, Children got to be free to live their own lives"

Triton: "Oh is that what you always say"

Sebastian: "Something like that"

Triton: "Well There's just one problem left"

Sebastian: "And what's that your majesty"

Triton: "How much I'm going to miss my little one"

Triton send a beam of light to Peter to transform him into a human, but this time, a human forever

*outside the base"

Smokescreen was sitting down outside of the base, thinking about Peter when 3 people came outside. It was Jack,Miko,and Rafael.

Raf: "Missing Peter"

Smokescreen: "Yea, I wish he was here"

Miko: "Maybe his Dad will let him come back"

Jack: "Miko, his dad is King Triton, do you believe that he would let Peter come back to the surface"

Miko: "Hey, Maybe he would"

Smokescreen: "I don't think it would be possible"

Raf: "Maybe, but don't think this the wrong way, maybe Peter might come back"

Smokescreen: "Thanks guys,but I would like to be alone for now"

Jack: "Ok, let's go guys"

As Raf turns around he someone or something standing there, it was a robot

Raf: "It can't be"

Raf runs to the mysterious Figure

Miko: "Raf what—No way"

Miko ran second

Jack: "Guys where are—impossible"

Jack Ran last

Score: "The Kiss" by Alan Menken

Smokescreen: "Guys are you alright"

When Smokescreen turns around, he sees Jack,Miko,and Raf hugging the figure, but the figure looks at Smokescreen after looking at the 3 humans

The tall robot Figure.......Was Peter

Smokescreen gets up and runs to hug Peter, with Peter hugging back

Soon they both let go and they both kiss and hug again

*a couple hours later*

Smokescreen had given the Ring to Peter, and they officially became a couple. Sparkmates to be Exact. And they decided to hold the celebration near the beach

Optimus: "Congratulations to the both of you"

Peter: "Thank you Optimus"

Ratchet: "Your Marriage marks a new beginning"

Peter: "Yes a beginning"

Scuttle cawks

Peter: "Well looks who's here"

Peter goes into his Human form

Scuttle: "We got you something Peter"

Sebastian: "Something you almost lost"

Scuttle: "Where is it"

Sebastian: "Your sitting on it"

Sebastian pinches scuttle's wings which makes her move, revealing the necklace Smokescreen gave him

Peter: "Oh my necklace"

Peter puts it on

Peter: "Thanks guys"

Flounder: "You won't forget about us right Peter"

Peter: "Of course not, I'll see you guys on the next coral moon"

Sebastian: "Yea,Don't be late this time"

Score: Ariel's Goodbye by Alan Menken

Peter gets up and looks up to the ocean, think how much he is gonna miss his Family. He loves them very much.

Smokescreen comes towards Peter goes down on one knee

Smokescreen: "Are you ok"

Peter: "I'm deeply gonna miss my family, My Sisters and Brothers, even my father"

Smokescreen: "I'm sure they will miss you too"

Peter: "Yes"

As Peter turned Around starting to walk away,He looks up and notices Smokescreen looking at the water, which makes him looking at the water, only to see his father

Score: Finale by Alan Menken

Triton: "My child............Smokescreen"

Smokescreen nods his head

Peter: "Thank you for hearing me"

Triton: "You shouldn't have had to give up your voice to be here, but now I am listening, and I will be there for you....We all will"

Peter looks up seeing all the Mer-people, including his Sisters and Brothers, and tears starts forming in his eyes

Peter looks at his father and hugs him

Peter: "I love you father"

Triton then hugs Peter and let's him go.With Peter going into His Cybertronian form.

Smokescreen and Peter hold each other and kiss again.

The End

The Little Merman/Merbot (Smokescreen x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now