The Gathering of Tritons Children/ Shark Attack

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King Triton is the Ruler of the seas. He has 4 daughters and 3 sons. Talia, the eldest child, Perla the 2nd oldest, Cassandra the third oldest,
Lana the 4th oldest, Marco the 5th oldest, Luis the 6th oldest, and finally Peter the youngest child.

"My daughters and sons of the 7 seas, I welcome you from all of your waters" triton says, welcoming his children

"Talia, Perla, it's so good to see you. Cassandra, Lana, it thrills my heart to have you all here. Marco, Luis..........Where is Peter"

All of triton's children put there heads down not knowing where Peter Is, until Triton hears Crab legs walking away next to him.


Triton puts his finger to keep Sebastian from leaving

"You were suppose to make sure that Peter was here."

"Oh I tried your Majesty,but that boy is hard to get to. I reminded him of the gathering this morning, what more can a crab do?"

Triton looks at Sebastian

"You can go find him"

Yes your Majesty right away"

Sebastian swims away to find Peter.

"Oh where are you child"

(Going to Peter's part)

"We're not suppose to be this far from the place Peter" says Flounder

"Oh Flounder don't be such a guppy"

Peter start swimming away

"I'm not a guppy"

Flounder follows pursuit

"Wait Peter, you know I can't swim that fast"

"Hm, wait I haven't seen that ship before" The young merman says

"Peter Please, we shouldn't be out here this far"

"Flounder, are you getting Cold fins?"

"What, no way"

"Ok then, I'm Going in, why don't you stay out here and watch for sharks"

"Ok,sure.......Wait what, Peter wait for me"


"Take a look at this, it's the smallest Triton I have ever seen"

Peter puts the Triton on Flounder's fin, whist holding the other

"I am king Flounder, ruler of the seas"

"I wonder why people would need a triton that small Peter"

"I bet Scuttle will, she always knows these types of things"

Peter pulls a curtain which covers a mirror, which makes Flounder get scared

"Flounder will you relax, it's just Your reflection, nothing is going to happen ok"

Peter looks at the mirror and see a shark behind Flounder

"Flounder look out"

Flounder looks behind him and sees the shark, which makes him swim away, along with Peter doing the same thing.

As Peter and Flounder go down below the ship, they look behind them to see if the shark is still following. They don't see it, until they are surprised with the shark jumping them from the front.

As Peter and Flounder swim out of the ship, the shark comes out which makes Flounder lose his balance to swim and getting stuck in the Sand. Peter turns around to see his friend almost going to get eaten if he didn't do something


Peter looks to his side, seeing the mirror, think to trap the shark. He then swims up to the top of the ship and pushes a barrel on top of the shark to get it's attention, which he does and starts swimming away with the shark in pursuit of him.

As Peter traps the shark in the broken mirror, he grabs his bag with the stuff he collected, swims up and Let's flounder into the bag to swim faster away from where the shark is.

That will be the end of this Part of the story. I recently went to watch the Little Mermaid again in Theaters and which gave me the Idea to do this. So hope you guys enjoy

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