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Quirk: Fireball

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Class: Fire

Ability - The user has a mane of yellow and orange fluffy balls around their neck that the user can peel off with their hands. The balls are made out of kerosene, ethanol and paint thinners and with the users' noxious breath, they can set the balls alight. The user can then mentally manipulate the fire in order to not burn themself or others. The user can continue to blow on their created fire to increase its size. The user can then throw the fire ball and mentally manipulate it to go wherever the user wants. The user can even have the fire ball hover around people or items and wait until something else gets near to launch forward when the user can't see the fire. The user can grow the fire large enough to ride on top of it or carry other people at a distance. When the user wishes, they can extinguish while in the air or forcibly extinguish it when crashing against a surface. 

Combat Range: Long

Disadvantage: - The user has twelve primed fire balls around their neck and when removed, a smaller one takes its place that can't be removed. It will grow back to its larger size after ten minutes. 

Special Moves: Fire Storm Surprise - The user grows a fire ball to the size of a person and flies it high in the air. The user then creates at least two fireballs to act as distractions as they fly towards an opponent or opponents. With the distractions, the user sends the large fireball that's in the sky and crashes it into the opponent. The user will also carry the opponent or opponents towards the user for further opportunities. 

Hero/Villain Names: Lion Heart, Burn up, High Rise

My Input (Not Necessary): An interesting concept of a quirk that I can see being used on a large brooding hero. 

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