Lightning Horns

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Quirk: Lightning Horns

Quirk Type: Mutant

Quirk Class: Electric

Ability - The user has two flat metallic horns on their forehead that shined yellow. The horns had one jagged bend, shaping the horns to be lightning bolts. The horns can charge their own electricity, functioning as lightning instead of regular electricity. The user can charge up their lightning into a surging bolt forward. Additionally, the user can continue to charge up their electricity to charge forward, moving faster and contact with the lightning horns expands a powerful discharge of electricity capable of destruction, especially on metal structures however there is electric recoil. There is a temporary cooldown after the user uses a lightning attack. The user is also resistant to electricity but not immune. 

Combat Range: Close and Long

Disadvantage: - The more lightning expended, the longer the cooldown between every use will become.

- The user needs electrolytes and iron to regain their power in order to produce more and faster lightning. 

Special Moves: Zeus Rush - The user rapidly shake and nods their head violently while charging lightning in order to create an increase in charge and have stray sparks flying off. The user will start sprinting, starting out much faster than usual charges and quickly gain more speed. The user can run up to 300 kilometres per hour, able to move fast enough to jump significantly higher and longer as well as the capability to run up vertical surfaces for a short period of time. 

Hero/Villain Names: Chariot, Cloud Runner, Trackstar

My Input (Not Necessary): I see the person having more mutations than just the horns and mainly acting high and mighty like a superstar in wrestle mania. 

Future Quirk Idea/Concept 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin