SCP-035 x Reader [NSFW] - REWRITTEN

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Lets go, I'm back and writing again! It is torture reading my old writing from 2018 so this'll be a little different from the OG, but it'll be much better.

Thanks to everyone who thought this was a good idea... It isn't but thanks

Major thank you to my friends;

You two made this a little more bearable to write, and thanks for proof reading this.

The day you were thrown into this horrific facility was the day you died to the outside world, you knew you'd never see the grass or gorgeous blue skies again. You'd often regret the crimes you'd committed but at the end of the day, regret wouldn't save you from the monster that was going to tear your throat out. That monster know as SCP-035, The Mask, you'd only interviewed him a few times, with a stack of papers given to you by the Scientists that was thicker than your forearm, but every time you spoke to this entity your anxiety gradually increased as well as another feeling you kept pushing down. The concept that you'd ever be attracted to a mask that manipulated and harassed people made bile rise in the back your throat, you'd never want that... unless.

'Unless' kept repeating in your head as your thoughts swam, maybe the concept wasn't so foreign. You quickly shook your head to clear it as a stack of papers where shoved into your arms and that brought your attention to the other Class-D that was with you at that moment. 'Oh... we're doing this again.' You thought to yourself and groaned quietly. The guards escorting you ushered you and your new partner into the chamber, quickly locking it behind you two. The moment the heavy and re-enforced doors shut your partner seems much more terrified than you. In reality, this place was better than the prison you were once in, if you ignore the sights and smells that'd make a regular government agent or spy spill all the secrets the moment they'd see 179 or 682, even if everything wanted you dead here, you were calm and perhaps safe. Scarily calm compared to your new partner.

You knew SCP-035, so he wouldn't attempt to use you as his next body; Whether this was mercy or not was left up to whatever God let these abominations exist and crawl the face of the Earth, even if there was a God, you barely believed in them these moments you were face to face with The Mask. Your new partner stared at The Mask, hyperventilating, as he tried to fight back. Even if this fight was all for nought was impressive to you, even the scum of the Earth could whimper and beg for their lives faced with a real monster; To think it took a monster like 035 to bring the worst people to their knees. Maybe if you'd spoken this out loud The Mask would respond with something that made your face red and that certain feeling rearing up to bite you, but since you were allowed to read some of his(?) file, you already knew that he could read your mind like it was a magazine. Perhaps he liked torturing you by flirting and hinting at a few more things....

As you got lost in your thoughts, the Class-D that was trapped in this room with you gave into 035 and put on that cursed mask. "Now, shouldn't there be something we have to do?" A voice quickly tore you away from your thoughts, pulling you back to reality "Huh--?" You quickly turn your head towards where it came from to be faced with 035 "Or did you really just want to see me again so soon?" He said, his tone light an airy. He was teasing you again, making you roll your eyes. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." You replied "But believe what you want, I'm here to interview you again" You said, grumbling a little. You couldn't stand all his teasing and flirting and it had only been a minute. "Well then, ask away, baby!" He sat down at the table in the middle of the desolate, concrete room. You sat down in front of him, placing all the papers down. "Time for the questions, and be serious! The scientists are watching and can see, hear and might as well taste everything going on in this room" You quickly said this before giving him a chance to speak. Your eyebrows furrowed as you frowned slightly, he began to respond cockily "Taste? I'm certain you'll be able to taste something else in a moment!" 035 spoke, flirting once again. This made your face turn almost bright red before you turn away, trying to hide it to no avail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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