Act 5

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of banging at my apartment door. I quickly threw on some clothes after I was rattled awake by the pounding. It was Rosaline with a servant from the Montague house. His name was Balthasar. He was also one of my good friends back at the house. He looked quite frantic and Rosaline had trouble looking at me as well.
"Hey guys, come in," I said gesturing them to step in the doorway. "You guys look like you saw a ghost. What's up?"
"Speaking of that," said Balthasar cutting off mid-sentence.
"What? What is it," I said starting to get worried.
"Juliet destroyed your Lamborghini in a crash last night shortly after where she left you and Rosie's Porsche," he finally said after a long pause. "We're unable to tell if it was a suicidal attempt or not. The crash was pretty bad and Juliet is in pretty rough shape."
I immediately dropped like a rock onto a nearby couch. My body was completely numb and my head was throbbing like someone had just swung a baseball bat at it. Juliet had potentially tried to kill herself and I knew that I was to blame for this. I should never have broken her heart and caused her emotions to get to this point.
"Do you know where she is being hospitalized right now," I asked once I managed to find my voice again.
"She is currently at the Ospedale Borga Roma hospital back in Verona," said Balthasar calmly as possible. "I highly suggest you don't see her. It would only hurt you more. I didn't come out all this way to see you become worse than you already are."
"I don't give a fuck about my feelings right now," I snapped quickly as I stood up and headed for the door. "I have to make things right. This was all my fault and I have to fix what I can of this! Rosaline, go put gas in the Porsche and let's get to the hospital."
"I have already gassed it up," said Rosaline as she pulled out her keys and got ready to leave with me. "I have to agree with Balthsar though. You really shouldn't be doing this. Plus, you're banished from there!"
I didn't know what else to do, though. This could be the last time I ever see her before they decide to bury her six feet underground. With that, Balthasar called for a cab and Rosaline and I headed for the hospital.

When we got there, we quickly parked the car and rushed in and went to the first reception desk we could find. It turned out that Juliet was inside in the "Intensive Care Unit" because her injuries were so severe. The receptionist told us the best thing we could do for the time being was to wait to hear from a surgeon or doctor for updates on Juliet's progress. Until then, we couldn't see her. Rosaline found a bench nearby and she sat down. I couldn't sit down because I was literally losing it. For about an hour, I paced up and down the main part of the hospital until Rosaline came to get me. I studied her for any signs of hope, but I found none as I met up with a doctor.
"I'm sorry to say this," started the doctor as he pulled off his gloves. "Your friend is not going to make it. She is so severely damaged that there is nothing that we can do to save her. We could try to operate, but it really isn't going to do much at all. If it did, Juliet would pretty much be in a non-responsive state for whatever duration she is alive for."
I tried with all my might to hold back the tears that were coming. I walked away cursing until I got outside to the front of the building. Some guy started looking at me with rage in his eyes as he was having a cigarette.
"You're Romeo Montague," he asked relatively suspiciously as he put out his cigarette.
"Yeah I am," I replied in a cold tone. "Why the fuck does it matter to you?"
"My name is Paris. You are responsible for putting my fiancé in that fucking Intensive Care Unit! I was supposed to marry her!"
He walked up to me and gave me a hard shove to pavement. I got to my feet and brushed my pants off, but not before he shoved me down and kicked me in the stomach. I lost all my breath for a brief moment, but managed to stagger back to my feet.
"What is wrong with you," I said in slight wheezes. "You're old enough be her dad if you were a teen parent. Do you realize how messed up that is? This is 2014! Maybe that would have worked back in 1595. As well, she never had feelings for you. She would have divorced your sorry ass the day you got married probably. She loves me, Paris! That's why she even went out in my car like that in the first place. She was too heartbroken trying to cope with the fact I broke up with her because I needed to start turning things around for me. Yes, I still love her more than anything in the world. I would give my life for her just to see her smile! You just want to sweep her in just so you get in her pants. I have news for you! She's not as easy as all those girls at your Red Cap Studio. Juliet is one of kind and if you're not able to understand that, that's too fucking bad!"
Paris looked like he was going to explode, and I didn't want to start a fight with him. As well, I didn't want to make too much of a scene since I was banished from Verona and I started walking away, and he started running after me. That's when we started sprinting along the streets of Verona. It didn't last long though because I cut across the middle of a street to the other side. Unfortunately, Paris didn't see the cab that was coming. He was tossed onto the hood and into the windshield. The whole windshield caved in from his impact I watched Paris' head turn to a really awkward angle. It didn't take doctor to realize he was dead. Luckily, we were still quite close to the hospital.

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