Act 2

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We got home quickly in no time at all. Benvolio and the girl he brought went upstairs to his bedroom and Mercutio and I sat on the front step by the car. Mom and dad were well asleep by now because their bedroom light was off and didn't go on when Benvolio busted the front door open.
"Mercutio," I said quietly with a long pause before continuing. "I must go. I can't be here right now because there is something I must do."
"What are you talking about," asked Mercutio curiously. "It's almost three in the morning. What could you possibly need to do at this time?"
I didn't respond. I quickly got up and got the keys to the Lamborghini and opened the car doors with them.
"Romeo," shouted Mercutio as he stood up in response to my engine revving. "Are you listening?!"
I deliberately revved the engine to drown Mercutio out. I felt bad, but I needed to see Juliet. I am mad about her and won't be sated until I see her again. I sped off and left Mercutio in the smoke of my tires and made my way for Red Cap Studio.

When I got there, a lot of cars had left, but some were still there. I parked around the back and snuck to the entrance and found Peter greeting people as they left. I ran up to him while trying to subtly conceal my face.
"Lucifer," he said cheerfully. "I didn't see you leave! Oh, did you hear that a Montague and some of his friends snuck into the club? It caused a lot of disruption when Tybalt made a big deal of it, so people started leaving."
"I know it did," I said feeling slightly ashamed for hiding this from Peter who was oblivious to the fact I was that Montague. "Where is Juliet Capulet?"
"Probably back at home. She was crying her eyes out shortly after that whole episode with the Montague thing. She didn't want to stay at the club any longer, so her family took her home. Why do you need her? I could text her if you want."
I explained to Peter that I was the reason that she was crying and that I was the Montague that crashed the party with some of my friends. I was expecting Peter to freak out and tell everyone, but for some reason, he didn't.
"Somehow I knew there was something odd about your name," he smiled as he looked back at the list of names. "It's Verona. At least everyone here is Catholic one way or another. Only a true Atheist or Satin Worshipper would name their kid Lucifer."
"Wait, you're not mad," I exclaimed with much surprise.
"Not at all! You guys helped me with a task I was dreading doing. You guys were nothing but nice to me. To be honest, you are the exact opposite of what I thought a Montague would be. I thought you would have accelerated your car over me knowing I worked under the Capulet name. Since you helped me, I'll help you. I'll pretend I never had this talk with you."
I felt my heart fill with joy knowing I wasn't going to die tonight by the hands of Peter and his phone. He was even nice enough to give me a map of the Capulet house and pick the best route around their grounds to get to Juliet. I thanked him again and took off for the Capulet's house.

There were a few lights on when I got there. Peter told me the best way was to hop over a specific fence and then make a few detours to avoid the guards. I eventually was standing with my back against what appeared to be the garden shed which I could directly see into Juliet's room, sort of. She was still up in her room. She was sitting on her bed with a pillow hugged to her chest. I then grabbed some rope, a meat hook and tied the rope to meat hook to make an amateur grappling claw. I walked up to her window and tossed up the grappling claw. It caught in the edge of her open window. There was quick scream, and then a quick dash to the window. It was Juliet...hesitant to look over the ledge to see what was coming up.
"Juliet, it's Romeo," I called up to her in the darkness as I could see her struggle with her sight.
"What are you doing here," asked Juliet suddenly getting all excited.
"Trying to get to your bedroom for starters," I replied humorously as I continued climbing what seemed like Mount Everest. "I wish there was a ladder or something I could have used..."
"There is a thirty foot ladder in the back of the shed where you found that rope and this hook," said Juliet hiding her face.
Are you kidding me? Well, I'm three-quarters of the way up. I might as well finish the climb.

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