Garhering stardust

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? Walks toward the door and opens it again, this time leading to a little cabin in space. He walks through and in the cabin is the Egyptian god nut, the Greek god Aether, the Norse god Tyr, the Norse god Aurvandill, and many other gods of the stars and space.
Tyr: I'm saying all the other gods are literally making their children into monsters the way they are raised.
Nut: they aren't all bad, just the ones of Greek and Norse maybe some others too
Tyr: all of them, I won't be surprised if their kids turn out to be monsters too- hi ? How long have you been standing there
?: just the entire conversation about how horrible we are
Tyr: can you really blame us you all act like you are more important than everyone else, especially Odin and Zeus
?: They aren't all bad, plus once you get to really know them, they can be pretty fun to hang around.
Nut: ?, you look as if you have a question, what's troubling you?
?: I wanted to know since you are up here most of the time if you know if there is something further out there? I heard that there is a story about an entity that lives out there at the center of the cosmos
Nut: oh, the old tale of eternity
?: Eternity?
Aether: Yes, eternity, a being said to be able to create and destroy with the single sway of their finger.
?: Do any of you know if It's true or not
Aurvandill: It's not up to us to say what's true or not, it could be a tale, or it could be a true story that's up to you to decide.
?: Is there a way to find them, to prove if It's real or not and see them for myself
Tyr: There was one, but no one knows if it works there is a story of a man who said that they had memories of a strange being in a strange place, he couldn't recall much, but he said that the strange entity created him, and before he could do anything else he died the strange place was soon discovered to be space, and he died from suffocation. But why are you so interested in this?
?: I just, (sighs) I feel like I don't fit in anywhere I go and maybe if I find someone like me, I could finally feel like Im wanted
Tyr: well if you do find eternity, make sure you don't wish for anything that is only for your selfish desire, you should see if you can find the old man.
Nut: Right, if you can find this man, maybe he could help you find a way to travel and find what you are looking for. I think the man died, so I'd try going and talking to the goddesses and gods of the departed.
?: thank you, I'll see you all later
? Walks back through the door and is transported to the underworld, where he is going to try and find this old man to see what he knows.
?: It's been awhile since I visited here, if I remember correctly the book of the departed should vary depending on the god that humans believe in. And I have no idea what god the old man believed in, so I'm going to be here for a while. (sighs) Let's get started then, guess I'll start alphabetically.
? Starts walking through the gates and goes to the library of the departed. He grabs a book and starts to search through to find the old man. As he gets to the fifth page, he realizes that he doesn't know the old man's real name, so he can't look for him in the books.
?: Well that was quick, I guess I'll have to go talk to the gods because I have no idea what he looks like either.
? Starts making his way over to Hades desk where hundreds of souls are waiting to check in. ? Walks around them, going all the way to the front, he goes to the side and waits for the perfect moment to talk to Hades.
?: hey Hades, can I talk to you real quick
Hades: You'll have to make it quick, I'm extremely busy, another one of my brothers tantrums and even Gaia can't save me from the paperwork.
?: I was just wondering if you know about the old man who claimed he knew something about a.... "Strange" entity.
Hades: (looks at ? For a split second, then continues his work to not look suspicious) I don't know what you are talking about. If there is nothing you need then I must ask you to leave, I need to get back to work. 
?: Ok, guess I can ask the other gods if they know something
Hades: NO!! I mean, (clears throat) you don't need to bother them when I already told you that there is no information on who you are looking for.
?: no, you didn't, you asked me to leave because you are busy helping the newly departed.
Hades: Yes, which means leaving the entirety of the underworld.
?: Ok, I'll go, but why are you trying to push me away and change the subject, you are normally one of the nice ones.
Hades: (sighs) I'm not just leave please, and I promise I'll search for what you are looking for, but I doubt I'll find it.
?: Ok, thank you, I guess I'll go hang out with Apollo and Artemis
As ? Walks away towards the door he opens it, but hesitates before going in, he sits there and looks back at Hades who is continuing his work as usual. ? Closes the door and hides behind a pillar and waits for Hades to be done to see what he was going to do next.
?: I'm sorry Hades, but you were too suspicious
After what feels like an eternity, Hades is done with the final soul, he sits in his chair for a few moments to collect himself once down he rushes out of his chair and top the door.
Hades: I have to talk to Zeus before ? Get the chance to.
Once at the door, he opens it and makes his way to Olympus, ? Quickly follows behind him. 
?: ok now he seriously suspicious he rarely leaves the underworld and to talk to Zeus no less, yeah something about this old man must get all the gods acting weird
Once Hades reaches Zeus's room, he knocks on the door and walks in beside Zeus. Is Poseidon discussing the latest incident.  ? Sits at the door peeking through a small crack listening to their conversation.
Zeus: Hades, what a surprise did you finish the report already
Hades: Yeah, though I wouldn't have had to if someone had done what they were supposed to in the first place
Poseidon: How was that my fault, they all knew what the old man knew they had to go
Hades: if you had just taken care of the old man, you wouldn't have had to "take care of them"
Zeus: It doesn't matter whose fault it is or isn't what's important now is that he is gone, and we no longer have to deal with people knowing about eternity
? Gasps as the three brothers pause and look at the door, they start to walk towards the door, which causes ? To panic. He starts to run away to not get caught. As the brothers open the door ? Barely avoided detection as he cuts the corner.
Zeus: That was strange, I could have sworn I heard something or someone
Poseidon: Yeah, anyway, what was it that you needed Hades
Hades: It's about ?.....
Zeus: What about ?,?
Hades: He came to the underworld asking about the old man and eternity I don't know who told him or how he even came across the information, but he wanted something from him
Poseidon: You didn't tell him anything, did you
Hades: No, the only thing I said is that "I don't have the information he seeks"
Zeus: This isn't good, we all know how ? Gets when he is set on something
Poseidon: We shouldn't worry too much though, he doesn't know where to find the old man or where to even start looking
Zeus: Still, just to be safe, we need to stop ? From trying to find him, if any of you two come across ? You have to convince him to stop.
Poseidon: Right, Guess I should be heading back now, it's a lot of work
Hades: He said He was going to hang out with Apollo and Artemis, I think if you're going to search you should start there I'll go back in case he tries to snoop through the records of souls
The three brothers split up one again returning to whatever they were doing before. Meanwhile ? Is still running until he gets back to where he is meeting up with Apollo and Artemis.
Artemis: Wow, there ? Who in the world are you running from
?: (out of breath) No one, I only ran because I was almost caught snooping on Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.
Apollo and Artemis: What!!!
Apollo: wow, you got some real guts doing that
Artemis: What were you thinking, do you know what they would have done if they caught you
?: I'd like to not think about that, and I wouldn't of had to snoop if Hades just answered my question
Artemis: What question?
Apollo: what was so important that it was worth risking your life
?: I just wanted to know about the old man who knew things about eternity
As ? Starts to explain further as to why he wants to find the man, Zeus appears behind him, Zeus standing over ? Casts a menacing shadow over him
Zeus: Apollo, Artemis, could you excuse ? For a minute so I could talk to him about something important.
Apollo and Artemis scared for ? And their own safety walk away and sit behind a bush and walk Zeus and ? From a safe distance.

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