Chapter 4: Rad Land

Start from the beginning

Kelly pushed back her hood and pulled off the grey knit cap she had worn underneath, combing back her ratty hair with a rough swipe. She had prepared for this moment throughout most of the airlift. Revealing the Institute's Director as her son would no doubt backfire and highlight her as a security risk. She had no choice but to play Maxson like a harp, not that she took pleasure from it. "They knew who I was, and that I was there for my son. They were impressed by how determined I was to find him, but more than that, I think they pitied me." That last part was true, she thought. "So they took me on a tour, of sorts. Practically welcomed me with open arms and proposed I join them."

His brow canted high. "Really? I find that... suspicious."

Kelly kept her cool. "Believe me, so did I, but it turns out they needed an agent on the outside to replace Kellogg. I already knew too much, so it was either they killed me, or won me over."

"And I'm guessing you accepted their offer?" Maxson was eager to know.

"Yes, Elder," Kelly replied, only now realizing that she had forgotten the proper formalities. He didn't seem to mind, however. "I thought it the best course of action in order to keep an eye on their activities and report back to you."

The man seemed pleased to hear that, as he straightened his already rigid stance. "Excellent work, Knight. I'm impressed by the outcome of this. I wasn't expecting much more than a reconnaissance, but you managed not only to recruit Dr. Li and avoid hostile engagement, but insert yourself right within the Institute ranks, and out again. I assume you also managed to procure that intel we needed."

Willing the quiver in her hands to still, Kelly turned over the holotape, blocking the pang that went with it. "Yes, sir."

"Good. I'll get this to Proctor Quinlan straight away," Maxson praised as he turned the object over in his hand as if he could decode it's contents himself. His dark features then lifted back to her as if nothing about this pleased him at all. "I expect a full report by tomorrow morning, and you'll have that entire day for some downtime, unless you're eager for your next assignment?"

"Depends on the assignment, sir," Kelly responded, an impish grin automatically working itself on her lips. Maxson's face didn't so much as twitch in amusement, however, and she quickly schooled her features, taking note for the future to never do that again. "May I ask if I'll still be assigned under Paladin Danse, sir?" she dared to query.

Maxson gave a knowing nod. "You two have proven to be quite the pair, possibly my most effective. Separating you would be counterproductive. Unfortunately, however, Paladin Danse is away on his own assignment right now, and won't be expected back for at least a day or two. Which brings me to your next assignment, should you wish to assist him."

Of course, Kelly was more than curious to know what Danse was up to, and her gut yearned to agree, but the main reason she had come up here was stomping down her selfish wants and needs. Those raiders would only establish themselves deeper in the region the longer she waited to act, and the settlers needed to be pulled out as soon as possible. Besides, Danse could handle himself.

"Actually, Elder," Kelly began, almost hesitantly. How to put this into words. "I have... a request." By the raised brows on Maxson's face, Kelly knew request hadn't been the right word to use. Nonetheless, she powered through. "A favor to ask. And I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, or if I thought I hadn't earned it."

For an uncomfortable few seconds, Maxson only eyed her, calculating and cold. When he spoke, it was with a tangible note of irritation. "Danse said you were bold, on several accounts. Now I've seen it for myself, and I'm not sure I like it." A warning prickled her skin that she had pushed him too far, but she refused to waver under his eye. That tenacity had gotten her through the Glowing Sea and back.

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