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"years ago, a great war raged, the battle wasn't for land or for resources, but rather, the entertainment of the Gods, this battle would lead to an end of both sides, but would also mean an alliance between the gods of this world, not just the main two, but all 17... man these dick bags are cheesy as shit, don't you agree, didn't even get the right number of gods" "yes master Jabez, the stories of old are all incredibly dumb and the happy ending is far to cheeky" "Keres, tell me, what do you think we should do with this world, be honest" "with what this world has done, what its done to me, Master, I believe we should burn it to ash"

{realm, heaven, time- 1:00 A.M.]

two men sit in a white room, staring each other down, one wears a white suit with long brushed back Ocean blue hair that almost flows fluently down his back, his eyes are a deep black with sparkles in his eyes that resemble stars, his skin is a pasty white, his skin looks silky smooth with a flawless face, the other man has a jet black trench coat on that appears to have a galaxy on his back, and a chain made of different gems hanging from a pocket around the waste line, he has silver eyes that seem to shine, his hair is black and brushed back, and his skin tone is on the darker side, the two seem to stair at each other building a tension in the room, but before long the man in the suit breaks the silence with a sigh "so, this is your form now, honestly brother, why are you so immature" "what? what's wrong with my new form? don't tell me its the skin color? I thought we were past this" the man in the suit seems to face palm, sighing before slapping the man in the trench coat "the problem is that you look like a homeless gang member, you can't ever try to just look like a God" the guy in the trench coat cracks his knuckles before looking the guy in the suit in the eyes "so this how we're playing it huh, this is how the second holy war will start, not our boredom but instead what I want to dress as, at least its better then my fucking femboy and tomboy faze 100 years ago" the man in the suit sighs, rubbing his eyes before looking the other man in the eyes "Zedekiah, calm down, I understand that you've looked worst, but we have more important matters to discuss" the man in the suit snaps as a table appears between the two, a wine glass in front of each of the two, wine filling them, Zedekiah sighs looking the man in the suit in the eyes "really, Ambrus, wine?", Ambrus sighs, snapping as the glass in front of Zedekiah changes into a mug with some type of Moonshine in it "drink of the gods, you know me well brother" Ambrush sighs, looking Zedekiah into the eyes "listen brother, there is a predicament that Braik has noticed, there's a new religion rising, making an army that could out number our own in less then a month, do you know what this means?" Zedekiah puts his finger up, chugging his moonshine before slamming it down "if there army is bigger then our own, then we can't defeat them, big deal, we still out number them now, so we strike first" Ambrus slaps Zedekiah, sighing before meeting his gaze again "no, it would shine a bad light on us if we attacked the new religion unprovoked, so instead, I have devised a plan, the God of Wisdom, and the god of War, shall have two spies on the inside of this place, so we can end this without sparking a hatred towards us from those that wouldn't understand" "end them from the inside, smart, but who do we send, our most powerful modern warriors are all so popular and well known that they'd be recognized instantly, so what's the plan there, oh great god of wisdom" "don't worry brother dearest, I have that thought out this time, we will send our strongest warriors, ever" "the way you worded that, I wonder who you could be referring to, if only they hadn't of died, 10,000 years ago" Ambrush chuckles, holding up and orb "this, says otherwise" "wait, Oxies orb, she'll kill us if she knows we took that" "brother, your wife may be terrifying, but her orb holds the most useful power of any of us gods, the power to do whatever you will, the power to rewrite history, undo what is permanent, solve our problems, what do you think, we put Oxerus's orb as soon as we are done, then we move to the main mission, understood, brother" "fine, lets just go before Oxie finds out, I don't want to get killed by my own wife, it would be humiliating and heartbreaking" "then lets do this quickly, before something bad can happen to either of us" the two stand, the room changing around them, it becomes larger with the top half of it even having clouds at the top, the two jump into it, becoming shadows in the clouds, the orb is held up and creates a blinding glow of light as two Skeletons rise from the floor, Skin starts forming on them slowly changing them, the one on the far side of the room begins taking on a more feministic look, a black robe forming on her, under it a black shirt with a strange symbol on it, she has long black hair with a red eye, she also has ragged pants on, on her back is a large sword and on a belt on her waste are two daggers, there is also several potions on her belt, the other is a male, his clothes form, a tuxedo that has a light glow to it, his eyes are golden with a gentle look in them, his hair starts white but fades into a cyan type color as it flows down, his shoulders have a golden like armor pad on them with a spike coming from them, he also has a golden chain with a symbol at the end of it, on his back is a large bow, there is no quiver or arrows visible anywhere on him, there are two sheathed hand held swords along with a small mounted crossbow on his left hand, the two kneel upon seeing the gods, not seeming to notice each other or there God, until they speak the words "My lord" at the same time, both of there eyes widen the girl reaches for her blade, the guy, his bow, the girl lifts it up ready for a fight, the guy pulls the bow string back, a glowing arrow forming on it, the two preparing to attack, but quickly a bolt of lightning hits right between the two "calm yourself, the war ended 10,000 years ago, we have made peace, all gods have, so your fighting is not needed" the girl looks to the shadow of Zedekiah "but my lord, this... this vile man, he took the life of so many of my men, of so many of my generals, the life of my best friend was taken by his ruthlessness" "Ruthlessness, thats a laugh coming from you, my brother was killed by you when he tried to dissert the final battle so he wouldn't leave his newly born daughter without a father, and my sister, she was not even in the war and you... and you... your a monster, a despicable villain" "your people took my mother and father from me, you have no right to call me the monster" "SILENCE" "sorry my lord, but I could never in a thousand years work with her, she is the scum of all life" "and you are-" "thats enough Xenia" the girl nods and proceeds to bow "and Adonis, you should watch your mouth as well, you should not hold grudges, I thought I taught you better then that" "Xenia there is a time to take out your grudges and a time to pretend to be nice, right now you must play nice" "my lord, with no disrespect, but why must I be nice to a bastard like him" "and why must I be kind to a devil like her" "Adonis" "Xenia" "you two have an assignment, you two will go undercover for us" "undercover? what does that mean, please tell me lord Zedekiah" "right, not really a thing back then, well, you two will pretend to be students in a college rumored to be infested by a new cult following a new god, this god is a threat to the seventeen, you must deal with it, or it could become a problem for us" "I see, then I suppose that we need to root out these weeds in your garden" "correct Adonis, my loyal servant, and Xenia, I have a great respect for you as well, my brother chose well when picking one to give great power to" "Thank you, Mr Ambrush" "I did choose well, and you didn't do to bad yourself, but for now, we need you two to form a team, then destroy the god and his top servants, we have chosen a lesser known vessel of ours to escort you, he goes by Ezekiel Kindred, he will be in the area we leave you in" "I understand lord Zedekiah, and Lord Ambrush, I shall fullfill your wishes to the best of my capabilities" "I won't fail either of you, I promise" "then you two are ready, be prepared to accomplish your mission" "and then I expect you to be ready, oh, warning, alot has changed since your days, your probably still wondering what we meant by college students, but I assure you, Ezekial will teach you about the new world, I assure you, and if you need anything, just pray to your lord Zekekiah, I can get you anything you might need" "and please, keep your arsenals hidden, weapons aren't the usual anymore, as much as I hate to say it, the world has changed and in order for you two to make this a successful mission you must adapt as well" "I understand lord Ambrush, I will do you proud" Ambrush and Zedekiah raise there hands as a blinding light consumes both Xenia and Adonis, the two wake up in an alleyway, they stand up looking around, quickly noticing the absence of there weapons and Xenias potions "guess they meant it, hopefully my fathers sword is alright" "I hope they sent it to the farthest reaches of the underworld, its the same blade you used to slay my brother and sister after all" "your still on about that, look we can bite at each others necks when the mission is done, for now we need to focus on the task our lords have given us" "I hate to admit it, but your right Xenia, we need to focus on our mission, otherwise we will get nothing done, nothing at all, for the time being, we are associates, do you agree" "of course, our lords want us to save this planet, and we will, when it is over, I will take your life a second time" "strong words when I slayed you in battle" "we both died, our rematch will finally settle who won that war" "but we can discuss this another time, for now, lets figure out where we are" the two look to the street at the end of the alley, they look to each other before nodding, walking to the street surprised by the sights, some glass that glows display items that they couldn't even begin to think of the uses for, strange carriages without horses move along the ground, and the buildings are taller then anything they had ever seen before, the two were stunned with wonder at the sights they were seeing, but before long Adonis shook out of the shock and tapped Xenia on the shoulder "like lord Ambrush said, the world has changed, we need to find Ezekial, and learn from him, ok" "yeah... your right, let us go" when they turn they see a few girls watching them before swarming Adonis "oh my god are you a model" "how do you keep your skin looking this good" "your suit is amazing, who's your tailor" the girls kept asking questions pushing Xenia to the side, before knocking her to the ground, she stands up brushing off herself before looking to Adonis who is trying to push through the crowd "I'll go south, you go north, by sundown we meet back here to see if we have learned anything about the whereabouts of Ezekial" as she turns a hand grabs her wrist, she turns to see Adonis had grabbed onto her "no, its better we stick together" he turns and looks to the swarm of girls ready to pounce "but right now, I think its best we start running before they start to attack" Xenia nods as the two take off, quickly escaping the mob of love struck girls, hiding in an alleyway inorder to catch there breath "by Ambrushes name, no one told me the women in this time were so crazy" Xenia sighs, leaning against a wall "I agree, who could like Parent killing scum like you" Adonis looks annoyed, locking eyes with Xenia "I didn't ask you, sibling slayer" "your gonna go there, really" "yes, since you insist on being rude, I may as well be rude as well" "thats the worst logic I've ever heard" "better then yours will ever be" "well, well, you two really do hate each other" a voice is heard in the darkness, they turn to see a man approaching them, he wears a t-shirt with a skull and crossbones on it, he has skinny jeans on as well, his hair is long and his eyes are a deep red "I'll guess from the genders, little miss Emo is Xenia, and the white tux must mean your Adonis, glad to see the gods decked you out in modern clothes, but the tux sticks out, definitely gotta do something about that" the two stare at the man, before Adonis sighs looking him in the eyes "I will take it you are Ezekial" the man laughs before sticking his thumb up "right you are, now, the gods blessed us with ten thousand to live on, plus free acceptance into this college for our mission to begin, so we better not waste time, lets get a move on, otherwise we will miss our first day" he walks past the two, they look to each other nodding before following Ezekial, the two follow him while asking questions about this new world, getting the answers they needed, and when they arrive outside a gate they look up to see the text on the gate "Ren Academy?" the two look confused as Ezekial yawns "I know, lazy naming right? now come on, today should be interesting, since your first time students after all" the two follow him inside, the campus has seven buildings they all look pretty standard, at least from what they could tell, they were seven stories each with at least a 1000 yard radius, the rest of the campus is wide spread with many areas they could not tell the use for, but each of them were packed with people doing all sorts of things, that just seemed bizarre to Xenia, but the look on Adonis's face said it all, every single thing looked incredible to him, but what really stood out was the statue in the center, displaying 18 figures, the top two being familiar to them, Ambrush and Zedekiah, the others they don't recognize but can easily tell who they are "oh right, I should mention, dorms are selected based on who you worship, Ambrush and Zedekiah worshippers are in the same dorms, I'm in one for my lord Empreth, the god of judgement" the two nod, keeping there new silence, looking around, finally noticing eighteen smaller buildings behind the initial seven "oh right, I should mention this, due to new times you will take on new names temporarily, to better blend in, Adonis, you are now Adam" "Adam? really, thats normal in this time, sounds stupid" "and Xenia, you will be Zayley" "no, absolutely not, I am Xenia Olympius, Proud follower of lord Zedekiah, I refuse to take on a name as repulsive as... "Zayley" it is unprofessional and humiliating" "yeah well, get used to it Zay, you need a cover and Xenia is one that will definitely draw unwanted attention, so trust me, you got no choice here" "w-well... if it is for Lord Zedekiah, I will go by the name "Zay" and that is it, understood" "whatever you say Zay, just try to play nice" she scoffs as Adonis chuckles "Zay, I like it, so much better then Xenia, its kind of cute, and rolls of the tongue" "stop mocking me Adonis" "hey, hey, Im adam now, I got no complaints, other then how close it is to my real name, but that is not important" "you are an Idiot for liking these names, and nothing you say can make them better" "whatever you say Zay. lets just find our destination" as they walk Adonis stops infront of a wall, looking over a bunch of papers on it, missing printed on them, accompanied by pictures of different people "why have you stopped Adam" Xenia walks over to him before looking at the wall herself, looking at the amount of papers that are on it "what is this" "don't know, we should ask Ezekial about it, but for now we should locate where we are staying" they run to catch up with Ezekial who leads them to one of the smaller buildings "these are the dorms, good luck, I'll catch you tomorrow, then, we start searching for our alleys in this place" the two nod before approaching the doors, they sigh before opening them, and walking in to find a nice small area where people are chatting, the area itself has some coaches and recliners in front of a TV, there is a few tables people are sitting at talking, right next to them is a desk with a lady sitting at it, she's an older women with glasses, she has black hair put in a bun and a nice brown suit on "hello, I suppose you are New here?" "yes, we are, I am Adam, her name is Zay" "don't introduce me, I can do it myself" the lady looks on a computer, typing on the keyboard infront of her "I have a Adam Ludwik here, but no one in this school is named Zay, is there a different name you go by?" Xenia looks annoyed, chewing on her thumb nail "is Zayley in your system?" "yes, we have a Zayley Warstaff, I suppose you two are them" "correct you are Madam" "fancy, I like you already Adam, ahem, your dorm is 808, top floor, please do not lose your keys and please do not leave anything out in the common area, breakfast starts at nine and ends at eleven, lunch starts at one and ends at three and dinner starts at five and ends at seven, please keep this in mind so you do not miss a meal, your schedules are in your room, please be sure to make it on time to each of your classes" "I see, thank you" Adonis takes a key and steps aside so Xenia can take the other "ummm, what room will mine be?" "808. top floor" "I was afraid you would say that" she sighs grabbing the keys as both of them look for a way up "I wish I could just use my spells, it would be so much easier" "easier as it may be, Zay, we were instrusted to adapt, and we will do just that" soon they find the stairs, walking to the top and finding there room, walking in to find a large room, there is a terrace area with a sliding door that leads to it, two beds on both sides, its a pretty simple room "ok Adonis, lets set some rules, no funny buisiness, this is strictly professional, ok" "of course, of course, not that Id try anything even if I wanted to" Adonis sits on his bed, picking up a paper that lay on it, reading it, noticing its the schedule, noting the times of each class and what they were, Xenia seemed to have done the same "so, you get some sleep, I'll start recon on some of the others in this place" "no you don't Adonis, I have no classes tomorrow, plus I thrive at night, I'll recon first, you can recon days you have off" "fine then, if you insist" Adonis lays down, closing his eyes, and slowly falling asleep

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