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Author's Note: Honestly so proud of myself for getting these chapters out 😎 It's truly all thanks to you guys though. I love reading your comments! Thank you!!
Part 7: A Genius at Work
Word count: 951

When Y/N was walking to school the next morning, she made sure to drag her feet extra slow, just so that she could wait a little longer before having to face Zenitsu. Now that she was aware of her little crush on him, Y/N was sure that once she saw him, her face would explode in a hot red color.

She didn't really want Zenitsu knowing about her feelings for him, especially considering the friendship they've built up over the few years they've known each other. Y/N knew it would be much more difficult to have normal conversations with him, because all she would be thinking about his him holding her in his arms, comfortingly..lovingly- NOW HOLD ON JUST A MOMENT! Y/N stop these silly thoughts! At the rate she was walking she was going to miss out on the few minutes she had to socialize in the morning before classes started.

Y/N hurried the rest of the way to school, and when she had finally arrived, her friends were looking at her as if she was crazy.

"Y/N, why do you look like you just ran a marathon? Did you wake up late or something? I keep telling you that you need to fix your alarm.." Tanjiro spoke, a light concern in his voice. Inosuke was chuckling, slapping Y/N's back in his fit of laughter, making her wheeze for breath even more.

Zenitsu took Inosuke's hand away from Y/N's back and promptly told him to stop being so aggressive, proceeding to comfortingly rub circles into Y/N's mid-back.

And this had her mind going absolutely wild. And it definitely showed on her face, because it managed to make Kanao crack a smile. Y/N lifted herself up from her hunched over position, resulting in Zenitsu taking his hand away. "You okay?" He asked, so calm that it could almost be considered out of character for him. This only made Y/N's face grow even more pink, so she decided to cover it up with her hands. "I'm okay! I was just walking a bit slow so I had to rush to get here." She explained, her voice being muffled by her hands.

"Seriously Y/N? You never walk slow, in fact you were so abnormally slow me and Kanao had to leave and walk to school without you!" Aoi complained half-heartedly. Y/N responded with a tired groan. She didn't really want to listen to any of Aoi's light scoldings right now. So she used her fool-proof "get out of jail free" tactic.

"Uh oh! We'll be late for class if we don't start moving! C'mon, guys, we wouldn't want Mr. Tomioka angry at us for the third day in a row, would we?" Y/N stated, dragging the three boys with her down the hallway, while Aoi and Kanao went to their class at the other side of the school.

Time skip to Zenitsu and Y/N's chemistry class

Chemistry was one of those classes that Zenitsu absolutely needed help with. He simply wasn't good at it. And with all the work Mr. Iguro was already assigning, he found it difficult to keep up, which is why today in class when Mr. Iguro was going over the different formulas they would be seeing in their first quiz, Zenitsu turned to Y/N for assistance, because she was the one person he felt would truly be able to help him.

Y/N internal thoughts:

Wait a minute, he's actually asking me for help? I mean I would gladly help him but this early in the year? Oh well, who am I to judge when I can practically see my math score plummeting. Well if all he needs is a quick overview of the lesson then- OH MY GOD IM A GENIUS! I can just give him after school tutoring once a week! I'm so smart! Go me!

"Y/N, focus here, I need you on earth if you're gonna help me!" Zenitsu whispered out, trying not to catch the attention of the teacher. "Don't worry Zenitsu, I can help plenty after school, maybe we could arrange a day in the week for us to meet up in the library?" Y/N suggested, planting the seed of her genius plan. Zenitsu thought for a second. Hanging out alone with a cute girl to get lessons on a subject he was struggling with. Sounded like total heaven!

"Alright you got a deal, but it can't be on Tuesdays or Wednesday's cause those are the days I have my student council meetings." He explained, forgetting to be quite. Which resulted in Mr. Iguro throwing the chalkboard eraser at his head, proceeded by yelling at him to shut up during his lesson.

Y/N laughed lightly. "How about Friday's?" She silently asked, with Zenitsu's response being a subtle head nod. It was a good thing he had such impressive hearing, because anyone else wouldn't have heard her at all.

Boy was Y/N excited for their little afterschool hangouts.


End Note: Congratulations to Y/N for using her smart head to spend time with Zenitsu! I'm so grateful to everyone's comments, and I'm happy that I've been able to pump out more chapters than I thought I'd be able to. Instead of whole year breaks, it's short 3-4 day intervals ‼️Thank you to everyone reading, and I hope you liked the chapter!

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