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Part 1
The Start of Something Fresh
Total Word Count: 719

Like any other day, you were walking to school with your two best friends, Aoi and Kanao. The 3 of you were talking like usual, the start of a new year fresh in your minds.
A grin found itself on your face as you raised a question into the conversation.
"Do either of you think you'll fall in love this year?" You asked the group. Kanao shook her head and continued looking forward, so the group didn't lose their way to school. Aoi started blushing up.
"No, of course not! As students, we have a sworn duty to keep our minds focused on our studies." She said, finishing her rant with a simple sentence, "That was a stupid question, Y/N."

You laughed a little as a smile went on your face, replying to Aoi's outburst with a snarky comment.
"You are such a teacher's pet, Aoi!"
Aoi looked at you with slight anger in her eyes, though that anger turned into laughter.

Kanao tugged lightly on your uniform, pointing forward, signaling that you were close to the school. The three of you walked up to the board with your classes on it. After just a few seconds of inspection, this year of high school was already flashing before your eyes.

"Not a single class together with either of you?!" You pouted with anger mixed with sadness. Kanao patted your back in a comforting way. Aoi giggled a little bit at your anger fit. "Yes, while we don't have any classes with you, we can still have lunch together! And look..." She said, pointing at another person's schedule.

Your eyes lit up for a second before you crossed your arms and looked at the lady.
"What does Zenitsu's schedule have to do with this?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow, awaiting an answer.

Aoi smiled and said, "Most of your classes are with him. There are only 2 you don't have with Zenitsu. And despite how much you hide it, I can tell since last year you've liked him!"

Your face started slightly heating up. "I don't like that slacker in the slightest!" You objected, turning your head to face Kanao, who was already on her way to her homeroom class. Aoi started running towards her, trying to catch up.
"Wait for me!" She yelled at the usually quiet girl.

You laughed a little as you started walking to your own class. You walked into your class and saw Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu talking with each other. You were friends with them so you didn't see a problem with starting conversation with them.

"Hey guys! Glad to see we have the same homeroom class together!" You said.
"Y/N! I'm so glad to see you!"
"Hello, Y/N!"
Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke said, in that order.

"It's nice to see you, why don't you sit down with us!" Tanjiro invited. You smiled and pulled up a chair. They were all sitting at one desk. Tanjiro was sitting like you normally would at a desk, Zenitsu was to your right and Inosuke was to your left. You sat across from Tanjiro.

"Zenitsu, did you see on the board? We have 5 classes together!" You exclaimed.

Zenitsu smiled when he looked at you. You weren't gonna lie, it made butterflies fly around in your stomach.
"You bet I saw! This is gonna be like the best year ever, we're gonna have a blast!" Zenitsu said with a bright tone.

The sound of the door opening was apparent. It closed as your homeroom teacher and gym teacher, Mr. Tomioka had entered the classroom.
"Find a proper seat so class can get started." He said sternly.

You, Inosuke and Zenitsu had all left Tanjiro's desk to find your own. After everyone was seated, Mr. Tomioka started off with introductions.

All 4 of you got smacked, Tanjiro, for his earrings, Inosuke, for his uniform, and Zenitsu, for his hair. You got smacked for looking at him wrong. One thing was for sure, you did not like this teacher.

This is like, the first chapter aha *lip bite* I doubt anyone is gonna read this but that's okay, this is just me desperately wanting to write fanfiction for Zenitsu. Till next time, later!

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