"I will." Shiloh kissed them both on the cheek before they were out the door with the tray.

The two sat in stunned silence. With each passing day, Shiloh was becoming more and more confident in their actions and both men couldn't be happier.

"Come on you. We have work to do." Malin shoved Rhett playfully and received a pout in response. Malin just stared at him blankly for a moment, biting back his smile. Rhett finally gave in with a sigh and the two got to work.

In the kitchen, Shiloh made quick work of the dishes before settling down on the couch with their sketchbook and pencils. They were lost in the lines and shading, only brought out of it by a knock on the door. They dropped the sketchbook onto the coffee table and were at the door in just steps, excited to finally have their hands on the journal. There was already so much they wanted to write down, but upon opening the door they weren't met with the package they were expecting. Instead, they came face to face with the one man they never wanted to see again.

Before they could make a sound, a fist colliding with their jaw had them slamming into the door frame and stumbling back into the house. "You've been a bitch to find, Shiloh." Shiloh stared up at their father in fear. "How did you find me?"

"You really didn't think you could hide from me for long, did you? Get your ass in the car, you're going home and you're going to back to what you were made to do."

"I'm not going back. It's over. Leave."

He just stared at Shiloh for a moment, taking them in. "Funny. I didn't spend all this time training your scrawny ass to be even a quarter of what your brothers are to just throw it away. Car. Now."

Shiloh pushed themselves up to their feet, one hand cradling their jaw. They wanted to fight back, but their chest still ached when they moved certain ways. They needed to focus on protecting their center. Shiloh spun around and took off through the house, but a quick kick from their father had them hitting the ground and pain ricocheting through their body. They didn't take the time to think on it and scrambled back up and through the house. Their footsteps were quiet as they raced around the furniture and down the hallway, their father's footsteps were heavy against the tile as they followed.

Malin heard the hard footsteps and knew they weren't coming from his doll. He grabbed Rhett's hand and pulled him towards the door. Fear and concern raced through him like fire. Someone was down there with his doll and from the speed of the steps, they were running. Rhett tried to ask questions, but Malin was too focused on getting to whoever was in their house. They finally reached them just as a familiar figure sped out the back door, chasing their much smaller babydoll into the woods.

Rhett didn't hesitate before taking off at full speed behind him. With his long legs and years of training, he managed to catch up, throwing his entire body at the man and taking him to the ground. The two went back and forth, landing various hits before Rhett finally landed a hard kick to the man's knee, shattering it. Rhett pushed him off, stood, and landed a second kick to the mans ankle ensuring he wasn't going anywhere before running off in the direction Shiloh was headed.

Malin made his way slowly toward the down man, watching with slight satisfaction as he attempted to stand on his injured legs. He had already called the police and then Osiris, Killian, and Ciarren, all of which were on their way. He trusted Rhett to find Shiloh and instead of following chose to sit against a tree, watch the man struggle, and wait.

Rhett's bare feet hit the ground hard as he raced towards the one place he could think Shiloh would go, the waterfall. When he got to the clearing, everything looked the same. The only thing he could hear was the sound of his own heavy breathing and blood rushing in his ears. He circled the whole clearing, checking behind trees and bushes, and calling Shiloh's name.

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