3 - Trouvaille

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Shiloh was pulled from a deep sleep by a ringtone he had conditioned himself to always wake up to, his father was calling. He had just gotten back from a long-term job just two days ago and had planned to spend the next week sleeping in order to catch up on all the missed rest. Obviously, it was not going to happen.

"Yes, Father?" Shiloh didn't even try to hide the exhaustion in his voice, if his father was calling then he likely had another assignment. He would just have to push through and hope whoever it was would be easier to guard than the previous assignment.

"I'm texting you the address for your next job. Wake your ass up and meet me there in two hours with a bag." Shiloh wasn't able to respond before the man had ended the call. Shiloh lay in bed for a second, dreading what was coming before dragging himself from his warm sheets. He held tightly to the soft blanket hidden under the black comforter for just a second longer before he relaxed his grip and made the bed. He filled his duffle bag with a new set of clothes, all neutral colors, and his hygiene products. In a smaller duffle, he carefully placed all his weapons. He prepared his backpack with his computer, chargers, and personal items. Once he was satisfied he had packed everything he put together an outfit and headed for the shower. He spent the majority of the 45-minute shower just standing under the spray willing himself to wake up. Once out he towels dried his white hair, letting the strands air dry the rest of the way into shaggy waves that tried to cover his eyes. He threw on a dark green button-up with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and tucked it into a pair of blue jeans tied together with a brown leather belt. He finished the outfit with a light brown suit vest and a leather shoulder harness the same shade as the built. There were spots in the harness for his pistols and knives, but he left them empty for now. After one final look around his bare apartment, he grabbed his bags and headed out of the building to grab a taxi.

It was about a thirty-minute ride into the city for them to reach a large building. Shiloh didn't recognize the name of the building, assuming it would just be another stuck-up corporate jerk. It would be whatever, they would make fun of his size and be relatively rude, but Shiloh would just stay quiet and do his job. It's what he had done so far and what he would continue to do. It might not be all enjoyable, but his father's reaction at the end of each assignment was well worth it. As he walked through the building carrying his bags, he received many strange looks, but quickly spotted his giant of a father standing by the reception desk looking at him with his usual emotionless face. Shiloh made his way over quickly and was handed a visitors pass before being ushered into the elevator where the man pushed the button for the top floor.

"Listen, I'm going to give you a quick briefing, and then the customers will give you the full overview." Shiloh stared at the doors to the elevator but nodded his head to show he was listening. "There are two of them, both men and also lovers." The word was spat out with disgust. "They are always together, so it shouldn't be that difficult to keep an eye on them. They have research that is set to be released soon and they are getting backlash from some companies. You're here to make sure that these companies are all talk and no bite. This is a 24/7 detail. You sleep when they sleep. You eat when they eat. You'll be staying with them until after the research is released. The date will be determined depending on the need." Shiloh nearly flinched when the man gripped his jaw tightly, forcing his face up so they were eye to eye. "Do not fuck this up"

Shiloh tried to nod, but the grip only tightened, "I won't, sir." He stared into pale eyes another couple of seconds until the elevator dinged to show their arrival and he pushed Shiloh's face away forcefully causing the smaller man to take a step back. He knew there would be red marks on his skin, he just hoped they wouldn't bruise. Shiloh followed his father out of the elevator and along the hallway. The man seemed to know where he was going and Shiloh wondered if there were other guards from the company working there, whatever it was it didn't matter. The men must be important for him to be assigned to the case.

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